Trip Reports

Aconcagua Team is Off The Trail!

We received a call from lead guide Fermin Avila that the team is all resting at Penitentes, the resort near the trailheads for the mountain.  Everyone enjoyed showers, feasted on a well earned meal, and will sleep on a bed this evening, rather than their sleeping pads! Great job everyone! Tomorrow, they will drive back…

Aconcagua Team is Back at High Camp!

Some of the team got through on the satellite phone before the connection was lost, but Veronica, Peter and Reinette were able to pass along their thoughts from 20,000′ above South America. The summit push today was difficult, with a good amount of new snow having fallen over the past few days.  The team really…

Aconcagua Team on the Summit!

Our guide Aaron called in from the summit of Aconcagua today!  Congratulations to Aaron, Peter, Brian, Sean, Veronica, and Andrew for reaching the top after what has been a pretty challenging trip.   We’ll look forward to hearing some stories about the day in their next update, but they’ll probably be pretty tired by the time…