Trip Reports

Team Jaahnavi practices crevasse rescue

Mountain Trip climber Jaahnavi called in with an update on the June 22 Denali West Buttress expedition, who have spent their past several days at Denali Base Camp practicing mountaineering skills. The team lowered Jaahnavi into a crevasse, that they previously determined was safe, and she practiced ascending out, to give her an idea of…

Gildor Denali team at High Camp

Omri Gildor called in with an update their team, who reached Denali High Camp at 17,200′ by early yesterday afternoon, and set up camp. Omri said that they enjoyed calm and clear weather on their ascent up the fixed lines, and the team was feeling good about moving higher. Today, at around 8:30 am Alaska…

Team Jaahnavi climbs the Control Tower

Climber Jaahnavi called in with an update on her West Buttress Expedition on Denali, who is still camped at Base Camp at 7,200′, practicing essential skills for Jaahnavi’s trip up to the highest point in North America in coming weeks. Yesterday, the team roped up for glacier travel, loaded up packs with food, water and…

June 16 Denali team at 14-Camp

Mountain Trip Guide Robert “Durny” Durnell called in with an update on the June 16 West Buttress team on Denali, who was successfully able to move up to 14,200′ on the mountain and set up camp. Durny said the trail was well established up to Camp 3, and the team made great progress up above…