Trip Reports

June 19 Team Caches at 16,400′

The team made good progress ascending and descending the Headwall section of the climb. They cached a load of equipment and supplies at a site just below Washburn’s Thumb on the ridge above 14 Camp. This is the team’s first foray onto the “upper mountain”, which we define as the territory above 14 Camp.  …

June 17 Team: High Camp!

The team packed up and moved from 14 Camp to High Camp 17200′. Although High Camp is not a particularly hospitable environment, it does offer some of the most incredible views of the Alaska range. It’s a big move up to High Camp, over 3000′ of elevation gain, but it’s some of the most interesting…

June 21 Team Caches at 16400′

The June 21 Team is cruising up the mountain, today moving a load of equipment and supplies up to a cache site at 16400′. Lead Guide Eli reports light snow, cloudy and warm conditions on the route.  It’s always exciting for a team to get on the upper mountain and it sounds like the June…

June 9 Team Back in Talkeetna

The June 9 Denali West Buttress team is back in Takeetna eating some breakfast and enjoying the luxuries of civilization, like showers, beds, and a meal at a restaurant.   Congratulations to all the climbers for reaching the summit, which has been quite difficult this season particularly.   Here’s Aaron with the final expedition dispatch from…