Trip Reports

Enjoying Base Camp Life

Were all settled in here at Base Camp. Very nice place to be. Hot showers, sushi for lunch, pizza for dinner, a fine selection of boxed Nepali wines, fresh baked croissants for breakfast, , and all morning sunshine! This is the time all of us are recovering from being up high. Some of the team…

Down to Base Camp Ths Morning!

Up at 4.30am this morning and off to BC at 5.30am. Perfect, beautiful morning. Cold and clear descending to Camp 1 first through the lower Western Cwm, then into the Khumbu Icefall.  Always a nervous place.  Just last week a Sherpa from a different team had a fatal accident just below Camp 1 here. The…

April 22 WB Team at Camp 1

Yoshiko called in from the first Mountain Trip Denali expedition of the season.  They flew in on the 23rd, right on schedule, and moved up to Camp 1 yesterday.  Sounds like they were breaking trail most of the way for the 5 mile stretch from base camp to Camp 1.  All is well up there,…

April 22 Denali team- at camp 1

Mountain Trip guide Yoshiko called in from camp 1 (7500′) at 10:30pm tonight to report that they had made a successful single carry from basecamp.  Carrying the entire expedition in a single push is always a hard start on the first move day of the expedition, but the team ate a mountain-sized meal and were…