Trip Reports

Two More Summit Teams!

Our May 30 team of Greg, Joe and Josh reached the summit earlier today and are almost back in camp on a beautiful, clear afternoon on Denali.  Our June 2nd Team also reached the top and is traveling back to high camp more or less with the other team. Congratulations to all the climbers!! Today…

Denali General Update

As we have tried to stress in our previous posts, satellite calls from Denali are not a sure thing, and this season it seems as if satellite connections are more temperamental than ever, so teams cannot always call in an audio post.  We do have updates on all of our teams, and want to keep…

June 2nd Team Rest Day at 14k

The team climbed up to about 16,400ft yesterday and put a small cache of food and gear in the snow in preparation for moving to high camp soon.   Today was a day to rest and acclimate before the push to high camp and hopefully the summit soon after.   It’s been busy up there as many…

Move to High Camp

The winds stopped blowing and the climbers who’ve been pent up at Camp 3 burst onto the upper mountain today.   They started up the hill early this morning heading for high camp, and Priya turned around at some point with one of her guides and is back at Camp 3 tonight.  Greg is at high…