Trip Reports

Duncan Calls from 14,200 ft

Duncan called this afternoon from back down in Camp 3 at 14,200 ft.  They gave it a good shot yesterday, but got turned around when the weather came back in.  They are running out of time and decided to head on down all the way to Camp 3 after the summit attempt yesterday.  They are…

June 24 Team – At 11,200′

Karen Bockel called in with a recap for the past few days from their new home in a beautiful basin at 11,200′.  They moved up to camp this morning and are well fortified in a stunning location.  Tall walls of snow and ice cliffs border them to the south, west and north, while the view…

June 26 team at Camp 1

The team carried a load of food, fuel, and extra gear up to from Camp 1 at 7,200 ft to Kahiltna Pass at about 10,200 ft today.  They dug a hole in the snow and buried the gear, or cached it, and returned down to Camp 1 for their 2nd night.   They’ve been traveling at…