Trip Reports

May 29 Team Retrieves Cache

It was a relatively short, easy day for the May 29th Team. They descended approximately 500′ and retrieved their load of equipment and supplies from the cache. This system of caching/carrying/retrieving allows the team to systematically move the tremendous amount of equipment and supplies required for the expedition up the mountain. It also allows the…

Rest Day for May 26 Team at 14 Camp

Klauspeter called in the report tonight for the May 26 Team. It sounds like the team had a relaxing day at 14 Camp and they are enjoying the incredible views of Hunter and Foraker from their perch in the Genet Basin. Rest days are important for the team to re-group, relax, eat, and hydrate before…

May 28 Team Caches at 13700′

Lead guide Brian Kramp reports that the team carried a load of equipment and supplies up to a cache at 13700′. It sounds like the day went well and Brian was pleased with the group’s effort. The team was rewarded with a pizza dinner when they returned to camp, after caching! The plan is to…

Rest Day for May 22 Team at High Camp

The May 22nd Team enjoyed a rest day at High Camp. Team members rested, relaxed, and hydrated after the move up to 17,200′. It sounds like it was a bit windy and the team spent some time fortifying camp by building snow walls around their tents. The plan is to attempt to summit tomorrow. Fingers…

June 5 Denali Team is at Base Camp!

Tony Hogan called in from 7,200′ on the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier! The team flew into the Alaska Range in the afternoon, after attending a mandatory orientation presented to every Denali climber by our national Park Service.  They loaded up fixed wing aircraft and flew about a half hour into the rigged mountains…

June 2 Team At Camp 2

Gidi Gottleib called in from the site of our June 2nd team’s Camp 2 on their way up the West Buttress of Denali.  Today was a fairly hard day, with a couple of big hills for the climbers to negotiate. Despite the late night the day before, when the guides helped rescue a solo climber…

May 22 West Buttress Team at High Camp!

Great climbing, great weather, great spirits for the May 22 Denali West Buttress Team! Climber Tim Spencer called in to update those following along at home that the team has reached High Camp at 17,200′, their final stop before the summit at 20,320′. Although their legs are tired from the ascent, they seem eager to…