Kilimanjaro: 19,341′ (5,895 m)

Our guided Mount Kilimanjaro treks are a wonderful experience for climbers of all abilities. Africa offers such diverse options for travel, but climbing to its pinnacle is our favorite way to take in the continent. We cut no corners to help you have the time of your life as you revel in the rich culture, spectacular views, and encounters with local wildlife while we take care of the details. Enjoy the Kilimanjaro climb with the leadership of our highly trained Mountain Trip guides and excellent staff of local guides and porters. Add a Kilimanjaro safari to your trip to round out your experience and see some of Africa’s most majestic and unique animals up close.

There are many different routes you can choose to get to the top of Kilimanjaro, and over the years we’ve done most of them. We are happy to set up a Kilimanjaro climb on any of the routes, but our favorites are the Lemosho and the Western Breach routes. The Lemosho Route is great for just about any trekker and provides a better acclimatization profile than other routes. The Western Breach Route is a different summit option off of the Lemosho. The Western Breach is a steeper route for climbers with a bit of mountain experience and who are looking for the least traveled and slightly more challenging route to the Kilimanjaro summit.

The trek begins at the Lemosho trailhead for both routes, and ascends through beautiful a rainforest where Colobus and Blue Monkeys laugh at us from the trees. We’ll exit the forest on Day 2 and Kilimanjaro will begin to dominate our view. As we ascend the mountain, we’ll enjoy spectacular views of the lowlands and climb out of the rainforest up through the unique climactic zones of Kilimanjaro. The Lemosho Route is an 8 day/7 night trek and the Western Breach route is a 7 day/6 night climb.

Kilimanjaro Safaris

We are happy to add a safari to any Kilimanjaro trek! Options range from three to nine days, visiting Tarangire National Park, the N’Gorongoro Crater, Lake Manyara National Park, and/or the Serengeti. Inquire for details about adding on a custom luxury safari. If you haven’t been to Africa, you should really consider the safari and game drive as a mandatory part of your Mount Kilimanjaro experience.

Lemosho Route - Register Western Breach Route - Register

Mountain Trip Kilimanjaro treks are designed to allow climbers a bit more time to acclimatize, which makes the Kilimanjaro summit push much more enjoyable than shorter trips, and also gives us plenty of time to revel in the magnificent scenery of Africa.

If you have questions, please contact the Mountain Trip office at [email protected] or (970) 369-1153.

Why Choose Mountain Trip for Your Attempt on the Kilimanjaro Summit?

There are many, many options for how to summit Kilimanjaro, and you should base your choice of guides based on what you’re hoping to get out of your Kilimanjaro trek—we want to help you make the most of your time in Africa.

From the moment you land at the Kilimanjaro International Airport, we’ll hop in a Land Cruiser and head out to the wilderness instead of staying in a hotel in the cities of Moshi or Arusha. We enjoy a luxurious safari-style tent lodge, where we can watch wildlife from the breakfast table and go on a guided game walk. Expect to see zebra, giraffe, warthogs, and other unique African wildlife up close.

Mountain Trip has worked to earn a reputation of providing very high-quality experiences around the globe. We bring that commitment to quality to our Kilimanjaro trek and Kilimanjaro safaris.

You’ll notice that we stay in extremely nice lodges, and our Kilimanjaro treks are staffed with both local guides as well as our AMGA trained Mountain Trip staff from the U.S. We feel the benefits of having our guides providing the high level of client care, security, and knowledge of altitude medicine for which Mountain Trip is renowned is well worth the expense of staffing our treks with our U.S. guides.


How Hard is it to Climb Kilimanjaro?

Mount Kilimanjaro is certainly a difficult mountain to climb, but it is also the most achievable of the Seven Summits. It still requires a lot of preparation and training, however it is also a non-technical climb (not requiring ropes or specialized equipment) which makes it much more accessible than most of the other Seven Summits. The trip as a whole is also an incredible cultural experience, with opportunities to engage with the local community and experience incredible new ecosystems, both on trail and in the surrounding area while on a Kilimanjaro Safari. 

Current statistics show that over 50% of climbers on Kilimanjaro suffer from altitude sickness, with a 65% success rate to reach the summit. This is because many guided groups head up too fast, not giving the body the time it needs to acclimatize. This is why we choose to do the Western Breach or Lemosho routes in 7-8 days, setting our climbers up for success. We strongly believe that the more common, 5-day trek is the reason for such low success rates on the mountain. Mountain Trip cares deeply about each and every one of our climbers and we do everything we can to make your entire trip a top-quality adventure! 

Mount Kilimanjaro Trek: Western Breach Route

The Western Breach route starts on the Lemosho Route, but after the third night we’ll take a hard left, towards the Breach. Compared to standard routes, this route is steeper and has more exposure to weather and rockfall. The Western Breach is a good choice for climbers or trekkers who have previous experience in the mountains; for example, climbing 14’ers in Colorado such as Mount Wilson or Wilson Peak.

Day 1: Arrival Day
Arrive in Tanzania. Generally, it’s preferable to fly directly into the Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO), where we will meet our team and driver. Often these flights come in late in the evening and we’ll go directly to the beautiful N’darakwai Lodge for the night. Instead of staying at a somewhat generic hotel in the cities of Moshi or Arusha, we’ll take you to a beautiful and luxurious safari-style tent lodge, where you’ll see wildlife from your breakfast table. Make the most of your time in Africa!

Day 2: Kilimanjaro Trek Preparation and Wildlife Viewing!

We’ll have this day to prepare our gear, unwind a bit, and enjoy the grounds of the N’darakwai Lodge. We can take a game walk through their wildlife preserve and see our first African wildlife! We’ll meet our local guides, do a final gear check, and have a pre-trip briefing on this day.

Day 3: Trek to Big Tree Camp 9,120 ft/2,780 m, ~3 miles, 2-3 hours

We’ll wake up early and have breakfast at the lodge before loading into our Land Cruisers to drive to the trailhead. The Lemosho route starts at the Londrossi Gate Park Entrance (7,350 ft/2,250 m). We’ll hike through the lush rainforest, where we’ll see giant fern trees, rare African flowers, and monkeys hanging out above us. After only a couple of hours of hiking, we’ll arrive at our camp in the forest, where we’ll spend the first night on the mountain.

Day 4: Trek to Shira 1 Camp 11,500 ft/3,505 m, ~5 miles, 5-6 hours

After coffee and breakfast, we’ll get off to an early start on this day and trek higher, leaving the rainforest below and entering the giant Heather and Moorland zone. We’ll hike up to the old Shira crater rim, where we’ll get our first close-up views of Kilimanjaro and descend gently towards our camp next to a creek on the Shira Plateau.

Day 5: Trek to Moir Camp 13,600 ft/4,150 m, ~5 miles, 5-6 hours

A morning of gentle ascent and panoramic views, we’ll leave the moorland plateau behind to walk on lava ridges and climbing towards the flanks of Kilimanjaro.  We’ll pass through Fischer Camp and possibly stop here for lunch before continuing up to Moir Camp.

Day 6: Trek to Lava Tower 15,200 ft/4,630 m, ~2.5 miles,  2-3 hours
A shorter day as we start to reach higher altitudes and work on acclimatizing for the days to come. We’ll hike just a few hours to the landmark Lava Tower, where we will set up camp for the night. The views from this camp are spectacular and you can see the lights of Moshi town below on a clear night.

Day 7: Trek to Arrow Glacier Camp 16,000ft/4,875 m, ~1 miles, 1-2 hours

The air gets thin at this altitude and we’ll start slowing our pace as we climb up to the base of the Western Breach and the nearly extinct Arrow Glacier. We’ll hike up a bit above camp to scope the route that we’ll be climbing pre-dawn the following morning, and then return to camp to relax and prepare for the summit climb.

Day 8: Kilimanjaro Summit Day!
Summit: 19,340 ft/5,895 m, 5-6 hours
Mweka Camp: 10,170 ft/3,100 m, ~6.8 miles, 5-6 hours

We’ll start our ascent of Kilimanjaro by headlamp shortly after midnight, so we can be up on the Crater rim by sunrise. The steep climb over loose volcanic scree and some scrambling up through the volcanic ridges of the Western Breach will lead us to the Kilimanjaro Crater Rim at 18,700 feet. We’ll walk across the moonscape of the crater, past some remnants of the old crater glaciers, and then make the final 500 foot climb up to the high point on the crater rim at 19,340 feet. The descent to back down through the Barafu Camp goes much faster, and after some rest and refreshment, we’ll continue to descend to reach our final campsite at the edge of Mweka Forest.

Day 9: Descend to Mweka Gate 5,500 ft/1,676 m, ~5.3 miles, 3-4 hours
Overnight at Arusha Coffee Lodge.

A sustained descent through lovely forest with lush undergrowth takes us to the National Park gate at Mweka and on through coffee and banana plantations to Mweka village (3-4 hours walking). There we’ll be met by our vehicles to take us back to a beautiful lodge for a well-earned shower and delicious meal.

Day 10: Homeward Bound

At this point some may be heading back home, or if you are continuing for a safari option or the Mount Kenya Climb, we’ll start those itineraries on this day.

Mount Kilimanjaro Trek: Lemosho Route

The Lemosho Route is a classic Kilimanjaro trekking route. It’s our favorite as it allows for a good acclimatization profile so you’ll have a better chance of summiting and feeling good up high. It’s an 8-day/7-night trek traversing the Shira Plateau and summiting from the Barafu high camp. The Lemosho is less traveled than the Machame route, but the routes join for the last couple of days and the summit route.

Day 1: Arrival Day
Arrive in Tanzania. Generally, it’s preferable to fly directly into the Kilimanjaro International Airport (JRO), where we’ll meet our team and driver. Often these flights come in late in the evening and we’ll go directly to the beautiful N’darakwai Lodge for the night. Instead of staying at a somewhat generic hotel in the cities of Moshi or Arusha, we’ll take you to a beautiful and luxurious safari-style tent lodge, where you’ll see wildlife from your breakfast table. Make the most of your time in Africa!

Day 2: Kilimanjaro Trek Preparation and Wildlife Viewing!

We’ll have this day to prepare our gear, unwind a bit, and enjoy the grounds of the N’darakwai Lodge. We can take a game walk through their wildlife preserve and see our first African wildlife! We’ll meet our local guides, do a final gear check, and have a pre-trip briefing on this day.

Day 3: Trek to Big Tree Camp 9,120 ft/2,780 m, ~3 miles, 2-3 hours

We’ll wake up early and have breakfast at the lodge before loading into our Land Cruisers to drive to the trailhead. The Lemosho route starts at the Londrossi Gate Park Entrance (7,350 ft/2,250 m). We’ll hike through the lush rainforest, where we’ll see giant fern trees, rare African flowers, and monkeys hanging out above us. After only a couple of hours of hiking, we’ll arrive at our camp in the forest, where we’ll spend the first night on the mountain.

Day 4: Trek to Shira 1 Camp 11,500 ft/3,505 m, ~5 miles, 5-6 hours

After coffee and breakfast, we’ll get off to an early start on this day and trek higher, leaving the rainforest below and entering the giant Heather and Moorland zone. We’ll hike up to the old Shira crater rim, where we’ll get our first close-up views of Kilimanjaro and descend gently toward our camp next to a creek on the Shira Plateau.

Day 5: Trek to Moir Camp 13,600 ft/4,150 m, ~5 miles, 5-6 hours

A morning of gentle ascent and panoramic views, we’ll leave the moorland plateau behind to walk on lava ridges and climbing toward the flanks of Kilimanjaro.  We’ll pass through Fischer Camp and possibly stop here for lunch before continuing up to Moir Camp.

Day 6: Trek to Lava Tower and Down to Barranco Valley Camp 12,960 ft/3,950 m, ~6 miles, 6-7 hours

The day begins by trekking 2-3 hours up to the Lava Tower at 15,200 feet. This is an old volcanic lava plug and a striking landmark on the flanks of Kilimanjaro.  We’ll have lunch at the Lava Tower and then continue down hill toward our camp for the night at the Barranco Valley.

Day 7: Trek to Karanga Camp 13,000 ft/3,965 m, ~3.5 miles, 4-5 hours

One of the most stunning days of the trip, we begin this day with a steep climb up the Barranco Wall. We
continue around the southeastern flank of Kibo, with vistas of the southern ice fields to our camp at Karanga.
There is plenty of time to rest, or for a short optional acclimatization walk in the afternoon up the valley above the

Day 8: Trek to Barafu/High Camp 15,090 ft/4,600 m, ~2 miles, 3-4 hours

The air gets thin at this altitude and we’ll start slowing our pace as we climb up to the rocky Barafu Camp. “Barafu”
means “ice” in Swahili, and you’ll feel the temperatures drop as we get higher on the mountain. This is a relatively
short day, but we’ll be trying to get some rest as we prepare for our summit climb tonight!

Day 9: Kilimanjaro Summit Day! And descend to Mweka Forest Camp

Summit: 19,340 ft/5,895 m, 2.75 miles/4.5 km, 7-9 hours
Mweka: 10,170 ft/3,100 m, 6.8 miles/10.9 km, 5-6 hours

We’ll start our ascent by headlamp shortly after midnight so that we can be up on the Crater rim by sunrise. The steep climb over loose volcanic scree has some well-graded switchbacks, and a slow but steady pace will take us to Stella Point (18,815 ft/5,735 m) in about six hours. We’ll rest there for a short time to enjoy the sunrise over Mawenzi before continuing the 1-2 hour roundtrip along the crater rim to the high point of Uhuru Peak. The descent back down to the Barafu Camp goes much faster, and after some rest and refreshments, we’ll continue to descend to reach our final campsite at the edge of Mweka Forest.

Day 10: Descend to Mweka Gate 5,500 ft/1,676 m, ~5.3 miles, 3-4 hours
Overnight at Arusha Coffee Lodge.

A sustained descent through lovely forests with lush undergrowth takes us to the National Park gate at Mweka, and on through coffee and banana plantations to Mweka village (3-4 hours walking). There we’ll be met by our vehicles to take us back to a beautiful lodge for a well-earned shower and delicious meal.

Day 11: Homeward Bound or Begin Safari

At this point some may be heading back home, or if you are continuing for a safari option or the Mount Kenya Climb, we’ll start those itineraries on this day.

When is the best time to try to summit Kilimanjaro?

Many people ask, “when is the best time to try to summit Kilimanjaro?” This comes hand-in-hand with the question, “how hard is it to summit Kilimanjaro?”

You can climb Mount Kilimanjaro any time of year, but some times can be a bit more rainy than others. It can rain anytime, even during the “dry” season, but there are definitely times of year where it rains a lot less and provides a nice time to try for the Kilimanjaro summit. The dry seasons each year last from about mid-December through March, and then again in June through October. We’ll always bring the rain gear as it can rain any day on the mountain, particularly in the rainforest zone below about 9,000 ft/2,743 m.

Through the shorter December-March dry season, you’ll be more likely to see snow up high on the mountain and it can be a bit colder up high than the rest of the year, but it can be a great time to climb with fewer crowds.

The main climbing season on Mount Kilimanjaro is the June-October season, where you’ll be more likely to experience nice weather, but you will also see more climbers on the mountain.

Inclusions and Exclusions for Kilimanjaro Trek

Included in the Mount Kilimanjaro trek fee:

• Unlimited pre-trip access to our office resources.

• Guidance of our experienced Mountain Trip guides and our local guide partners.

• Scheduled group transportation including airport transfers in Tanzania.

• Lodging as included in the itinerary. We may not be able to guarantee a specific hotel, but will always attempt to substitute with equal accommodations.

• All food while on the mountain.

• All group equipment (tents, kitchen, ropes, group med kit, oxygen, Gamow Bag, satellite phone, GPS tracker, etc.)

• Custom expedition dispatch blog for your climb, complete with audio posts from team members calling from the mountain.

• Assistance arranging for post-climb activities in Africa.

Not Included in the trek fee:

• Flights to and from Africa.

• Lodging in Africa beyond what is outlined in the itinerary (two nights prior to your climb and one night after descent).

• Gratuities for local guides and staff.  This is an important part of the local customs, we will provide guidance.

• Personal clothing and equipment per our equipment list.

• Meals while not on the mountain.

• Travel and/or rescue insurance.

• Costs incurred due to evacuation or unplanned departure from the mountain due to illness or other problems.

• Costs incurred as a result of delays beyond the control of Mountain Trip.

• Costs as a result of force majeure.

Kilimanjaro Trek Policies

Refunds and Cancellations

Mountain Trip recognizes how difficult and disappointing it can be for climbers who must cancel expeditions which they have planned for a long time. Team members must also recognize that, due to the nature of planning expeditions and dealing with governmental permits and regulations, Mountain Trip also accrues significant expenses in the months prior to expedition departure dates. We must therefore adhere to a strict refund policy for all climbers. Trip cancellation and travel insurance is generally available for all expeditions. U.S. and Canadian residents should contact us for more information regarding travel insurance. Our refund and cancellation policy is outlined below.

• All expeditions require a deposit to secure a spot on the team. Your submission of a deposit constitutes your acceptance of this Fee Schedule, Refund and Cancellation Policy.

• All deposits for Mount Kilimanjaro expeditions include a non-refundable $1,500 administration fee (We highly recommend that you consider Trip Cancellation Insurance to protect the administration fee, if not the entire cost of your climb.)

• Final payments for expeditions must be received 120 days prior to the Team Meeting Day.

• Failure to pay expedition fees by the date they are due constitutes cancellation of your spot on the team and forfeiture of your deposit.

• Any cancellation 120+ days before your Team Meeting Day will be refunded in full, less the administration fee.

• If you cancel 120-90 days before your Team Meeting Day, you are eligible for a refund of 50% of any monies paid, less the deposit.

• No refunds will be provided for cancellations occurring within the last 89 days prior to an expedition.

• All requests for refunds must be made in writing and received in our Colorado office.

• If you register for a climb within 90 days of the Team Meeting Day, expedition fees will be due in full to secure your spot on the team.

• No refunds will be given for unused hotel bookings due to schedule changes, late arrivals, etc.

• Mountain Trip reserves the right to cancel an expedition prior to the departure date for any reason. In the event that the expedition is cancelled based solely on an internal administrative decision by Mountain Trip (Internal Cancellation), all monies, except for nonrefundable administrative fees, collected by Mountain Trip from team members for the canceled expedition shall be refunded within 30 days. That is the extent of our financial liability for such cancellations. This Internal Cancellation provision shall not apply when external factors that force Mountain Trip to cancel an expedition against its will, including, but not limited to international political upheaval, terrorism, drought/famine, epidemics/pandemics, and/or cancellations imposed by foreign or domestic governments or permitting agencies (External Cancellation). All External Cancellations shall not be subject to a refund unless such cancellation occurs prior to the deadlines set forth in the Refund and Cancellation policies stated above.

General Agreement Concerning Services to be Provided and Responsibilities of Team Members

When registering for a Kilimanjaro trek with Mountain Trip, we want to help make sure you understand the services we are providing and the services you are responsible for.

Transportation is Incidental

The main purpose of becoming a team member is to join us on a guided Kilimanjaro trek. As such, any transportation we provide or that you may contract for on your own is incidental to the trip. We suggest that you make sure you have time built into your itinerary for delays.

Transportation to and from your Destination

We will designate a specific Team Meeting Day for your Kilimanjaro trek. Transportation to the meeting point on your Team Meeting Day is to be provided by you. You must arrive in time to be ready to participate in a team meeting at the appointed time on the Team Meeting Day for your expedition. This probably means you will need to arrive the day before, as our Team Meetings for Kilimanjaro treks are held in the morning. Expedition climbing is very dynamic and we will provide you with a recommendation as to when you should book your flights to and from your destination. We suggest you book a ticket that allows you to change your flight with little effort or cost.

Lodging off the Mountain

Mountain Trip will provide lodging per the Inclusions and Exclusions section above. Any additional lodging is your responsibility.

Responsibilities of Team Members

You are ultimately responsible for your own well-being, including making all necessary preparations to ensure good health and physical conditioning. You are responsible for understanding the conditions that may exist on the climb and choosing a climb that is appropriate for your abilities and interests. You are responsible for having knowledge of all pre-departure information and for assembling the appropriate clothing and equipment for your climb.

While on the Kilimanjaro trek, team members are responsible to maintain basic levels of hygiene and to conduct themselves respectfully with other team members and members of the local population. If a guide feels that a team member is putting other members’ health or safety at risk, the guide has the discretion to remove a team member from a trip.

Use our office staff and your lead guide as pre-trip resources to ensure that all your questions are answered. Travel insurance may help recoup expenses if you need to leave your Kilimanjaro trek due to an illness.

Airline Responsibility Passenger/Airline contracts are in effect while team members are on board any aircraft contracted for use in the expedition.

No Guaranteed Outcomes

While it is one of our goals to help every climber on every Mountain Trip expedition reach the summit, Mountain Trip cannot guarantee you will reach the Kilimanjaro summit. Any number of factors, including weather, conditions encountered on the route, your personal level of fitness or ability, the abilities of your teammate(s) or any number of other circumstances, might result in you and/or your team turning around before reaching the summit. Failure to reach the Kilimanjaro summit due to any reason associated with mountaineering, such as weather, team dynamics, route conditions, avalanche and rockfall hazard, or due to your lack of fitness or preparation, are not the responsibility of Mountain Trip, and will not result in a refund or a rescheduling of your expedition.

Kilimanjaro Trek Equipment List

The following is a general list of required gear for joining Mountain Trip on a Kilimanjaro trek. Climbers joining Mountain Trip on an expedition will receive an updated, comprehensive equipment list that may supersede this list.

Many of the items on the list need to fit you well in order for you to fully enjoy your experience on the mountain. Please plan ahead with equipment purchased for your trip so you can be certain that your gear fits you well. Tanzania is not the place to discover that your pack is too small for your torso or that your boots give you blisters, as we will not have many options open to us at that point. Recommended items reflect the opinions of our guides. We have used and have faith in all of our recommendations, but they may not necessarily fit or work for you.

Please follow this list closely and don’t hesitate to call or email us for clarifications, or to solicit an opinion about anything you are considering. Lastly, only bring quality gear that is in very good condition; we want you to be as prepared as possible for your Kilimanjaro trek.

Please note: Porters will carry up to 33 pounds (15 kg) per climber in your soft-sided duffel bag.

Print Equipment


GearDescriptionGuide's Pick
Trekking SocksMost trekkers prefer a light to medium weight, wool or wool/synthetic blend sock for use with trekking shoes. For longer treks bring a pair to change into every 2-3 days.
CrocsCrocs make a great lodge/camp shoe. They are lightweight and versatile, you can wear them with a sock in the evening, and even use them for a shower shoe.
Hiking Boot for KilimanjaroThe climb will take us from potential rain and mud down low, to colder temps and even snow on the summit day. You should choose a boot that comfortable to hike in, and is waterproof (goretex lined). This doesn't need to be a big mountain climbing boot, but should be a good backpacking type waterproof boot.
Light Camp/Travel ShoeA lightweight running shoe or athletic shoe for camp, safari, and travel. This does not need to be waterproof.
Custom InsoleA custom insole can help fine tune the fit of your boot, support your feet. A good fitting boot will be warmer and prevent blisters.

Torso Layers

GearDescriptionGuide's Pick
Light Fleece HoodyLight/mid weight fleece (or wool) top with a hood. You will wear this over your light weight base layer.
Puffy Light Insulated JacketSize this layer to fit over your light fleece hoody and wind shell, and it is often layered underneath your expedition parka. Synthetic is easier to deal with and not worry about getting compared to a down filled layer. A hood on this layer in mandatory!*** Guides Tip! Use TWO lightweight puffy layers in the early season or if you are worried about being cold. A Micro or Nano Puff jacket with a Ultra Light Down Jacket or Vest allows versatile layering options.
Hard Shell JacketThis jacket should be large enough to go over your light puffy jacket layer. You do not need the burliest/heaviest Gore-Tex jacket you can find, and we prefer the lightest weight versions.
Soft Shell Wind JacketMany high alpine peaks are cold and dry. We are huge fans of very lightweight softshell wind jackets for high, dry, cold peaks. Weighing just a few ounces, these can be carried in your pocket or in the lid of your pack for rapid deployment. This layer is used in addition to your more waterproof hard shell jacket.
Sun HoodyA Sun Hoody is a great lightweight layer to help protect you from the intense UV at high altitude. It's a go-to layer for our guides, as it both keeps the sun off your skin and helps keeps you cool.
Down JacketA nice simple down jacket that you can put on over your light puffy jacket on a cold night. This doesn't need to be a big 8000 meter down parka.
Travel/Trekking ShirtsBring a couple of light, long sleeved travel shirts. Synthetic shirts are nice for trekking and help keep the sun off on Safari!

Leg Layers

GearDescriptionGuide's Pick
Base Layer Bottoms(1 or 2 sets) of Wool or Capilene light weight base layers.
Light Fleece BottomsAs the air thins and the wind picks up, you'll want a bit more insulation on your legs. This should be a slightly warmer layer that can go over your base layer bottoms when it gets cold.
Hard Shell, Waterproof PantsWhen it's raining a soft shell pant just isn't enough and you'll need a waterproof "hard shell" pant, meaning Gore-Tex or equivalent. These should be as light weight as possible. Fully separating side zippers will help you get them on without taking off your boots. On some peaks, you might carry hard shell pants for the lower mountain, but switch to soft shell pants for the colder and drier upper mountain.
Lightweight Softshell Trekking PantsA lightweight synthetic softshell pant is a great layer that you'll wear every day on a trek or for an ascent of a peak. These are water resistant, breathable and comfortable in a wide range of weather and temps.
Shorts for Trekking/TravelA comfortable pair of shorts for trekking and traveling.

Head and Hands

GearDescriptionGuide's Pick
Buff Neck GaiterBuff is a brand of light weight neck gaiters that have grown to become a staple of every guide's kit. These are amazingly versatile, and can be worn as a hat, a neck gaiter or pulled over your face for protection from the wind or sun. They come in many thicknesses nowadays, but we prefer the original weight for its versatility.
Warm HatBring one warm hat or two hats of different weights. Wool or fleece are fine, but your hat must provide ear protection from the cold.
Sun HatBaseball type or wide brimmed sun hats are required for protection against the intense sunshine found on many peaks. You can combine a baseball hat with a BUFF for good sun protection or go for a wide brimmed version to protect your face, ears and neck.
SunglassesSunglasses are essential in the mountains. Choose a pair that are comfortable and provide 100% UVA and UVB protection.
Lightweight Gloves for KilimanjaroA pair of lightweight "trekking" gloves for the cool early mornings on the trek.
Mid-Weight Glove for KilimanjaroAn insulated glove for when it get's colder and we are getting higher on the mountain.
Summit Day Glove/Mitten KilimanjaroA warm, insulated waterproof (gore-tex) glove or mitten is good insurance against cold hands on summit day.

Sleeping Gear

GearDescriptionGuide's Pick
Inflatable Sleeping PadInflatable pads have improved tremendously in recent years, they are the foundation of a warm and comfortable night!
0 degree Sleeping BagYou'll want a bag rated to about 5 degrees Fahrenheit and warmer if you tend to sleep cold. Down or synthetic will work fine, although down is lighter and more compact for traveling and packing.

Packs and Duffels

GearDescriptionGuide's Pick
Large Zippered DuffelYou'll want an XL sized (90 – 100L) duffel for your expedition. Lightweight and inexpensive bags work fine, although water resistant bags like the Patagonia Black Hole Bag 100L are nice for their toughness to weight ratio. A quality duffel bag can work for a sled bag on Denali, a mule bag on Aconcagua and a great all around travel bag.
Trekking Day PackYou will want a day pack of around 30 liters of volume for carrying your extra clothing, food, water, etc. for a day of trekking.
Pack Rain CoverA waterproof jacket for your backpack.

Climbing Gear

GearDescriptionGuide's Pick
Climbing HelmetMake certain it fits over your warmest hat and under the hood of your shell. The super-lightweight foam helmets are great, but can get crushed in your duffel bags during travel, so protect your lid!
Trekking Poles(Lightweight)Trekking poles can be helpful for long days on the trail and help take some strain off of aching joints going downhill! These are typically lighter weight than a ski pole, and have a smaller basket as you don't use them in deep snow.


GearDescriptionGuide's Pick
Two (2) One-Liter Water BottlesYou will need two, 1-liter plastic water bottles. Please bring wide-mouth bottles, such as those from Nalgene, as these are much easier to fill than bottles with small openings.
Toiletry KitTooth brush & paste, dental floss, Handi-wipes (1 per day on average), a small bottle of hand sanitizer, perhaps some foot powder… keep it small!!!
Personal Medical KitMountain Trip's guides will have fairly comprehensive medical kits developed by our Medical Director, but we encourage each climber to bring a small, personal kit. Items to consider bringing include: blister treatment and prevention, pain relievers, and antacids. Presctiption medications should be based on consultation with your personal physician. Suggested drugs for altitude expeditions include: Diamox (acetazolomide) 125 mg, Decadron (dexamthazone) 4 mg, Nifedipine XR 30 mg, and a couple of antibiotics for respiratory and gastrointestinal issues.
CameraMost climbers these days use their phone as a camera, but if you plan to bring a dedicated camera, consider a small, light weight point and shoot camera. If you are a photography buff and really want to bring a DSLR, plan for that extra weight with your training!
Satellite Tracking/Texting DeviceSatellite linked devices such as the Garmin inReach have been increasingly popular, as you can send and receive text messages with it. Again- consider how you will keep it powered over the course of your expedition. These new devices will allow you to send and receive text messages nearly anywhere in the world! It is a fun way to keep in touch with the family and let them follow along on your journey. They are not required, and Mountain Trip guides carry several forms of communication devices including satellite based communications that we can use in case of an emergency situation.
Several Good Jokes!"A Moose walks into a bar..."
Lip BalmBring a tube of quality lip balm with sun protection (SPF).
SunscreenThe sun can be intense at altitude. Bring one small tube for use while climbing and one larger tube for use while not on route.
Water Purification SystemThere are many good options, and they get better every year. Pumps work well, but can be heavy. Our favorite is the relatively easy to use and lightweight water treatment drops by Aquamira. The SteriPen style water treatment is not recommended. Be certain to have enough to treat 3-5 liters per day for the duration of your trip.
HeadlampBring an extra set of batteries, as well. Lithium batteries work the best in cold weather!! For some trips (Carstensz, Everest, Cho Oyu) where we will be frequently climbing at night a second headlamp is a good idea, and always bring extra batteries!
SnacksThink about bringing 10 of your favorite energy bars, or candy bars, and some energy drink. These are optional, but it's nice to have some of your favorites that are not available elsewhere. Don't over do it as this stuff gets heavy and we will provide plenty of food.
Solar Panel/Battery *optionalIf you are planning to charge your iPhone, inReach, or other electronics on the expedition you will need a good, small solar panel. We recommend using the panel to charge a battery and then charging your devices from the battery. This is definitely some extra weight, so keep it light and maybe share a panel and battery with your tentmate!
Pee FunnelThis is a women's specific tool for expeditions and winter trips that gives women the ability to pee standing up like men. This also creates a little more privacy and protection from the elements when on a rope team. We prefer this hard-sided version.
Camp TowelA small microfiber, quick dry, hand towel to use in camp.
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