Trip Reports

May 22 Team – Weather Day at Base Camp

Matt Bohne called in from the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier to report that the team was unable to move today, due to very, very poor visibility.  They received some snowfall, which effectively obliterated the old trail to Camp 1.  The trail was not well marked, and so the team took the prudent course…

May 16 Team – Report from 11,200′

Brian called in a report from their team, which is still camped at 11,200′.  They had hoped to move up to 14,200′ today, but inclement weather did not permit them to travel.  They are camped in a beautiful basin, which they could not fully enjoy today, due to thick clouds that kept moving in and…

May 12 Team Calls From 14,200′

The May 12th Team called in a post in French this evening, after making a carry up the fixed lines and onto the ridge that leads to high camp.  As is all too often the case, the satellite transmission was cut off before they could complete their call.  I will do my best to translate…