Trip Reports

May 29 Team Moves to Camp 3

Lead guide Jacob Schmitz calls in last night. The team was able to move up to Camp 3 yesterday, 14,200′ (4328m). We now have several Mountain Trip teams at Camp 3, party! Arriving at Camp 3 is always an exciting part of the expedition. Being at Camp 3 sets you up for the move to…

May 27 Team Backcarries to Windy Corner

Lucy calls in from Camp 3 last night. The team backcarried to Windy Corner yesterday. The dropped down from camp at 14,200′ (4328m) to their Windy Corner cache at 13,200′ (4023m). After digging up their cache, they put all their supplies in their backpacks and climbed back up to Camp 3. This typically only takes…

May 26 Team Rest Day at Camp 3

The team took a rest day yesterday after caching on the ridge the day before. No significant updates! The team left a great voicemail detailing all their favorite parts of the expedition so far. It sounds like the team is doing really well. I am sure they spent today hydrating, fueling, and napping. Teams will…

May 26 Team Caches at 16,200′

The team was able to put in a cache at 16,200′ (4937m) yesterday! They started out their day climbing over 1,000′ to the bergschrund below the fixed lines. A bergschrund is where the start of a glacier meets steep ice and the sub sequential crevasse that forms here sloughs away from the ice above creating…

June 2 Team Arrives at Denali Basecamp

Lead guide Ty Guarino let us know that the team successfully made it to Denali Basecamp yesterday! Let the adventure begin! Talkeetna sits at 348′ (106m). This time of year it is full spring there, everything is lush and green. Talkeetna sits literally at the end of the road to the Alaska Range. It has…

May 29 Team Backcarries to 10,200′

Michael updates us after some snow camp cheesecake! Teams on Denali are experiencing warm and sunny weather in this extended high pressure system. Today the team left Camp 2 at 11,200′ (3413m) and descended to their cache site at 10,200′ (3108m). They dug up their supplies, loaded them into their packs, and marched back up…