Trip Reports

June 18 Team Final Trip Report

From lead guide Jesse Wright: Our Expedition has come to an end. The whole team is back on solid ground enjoying the lower altitude where we can all get some much-needed rest and recovery time. Thank you to all of you that followed us on our expedition and we can’t thank you enough for all…

June 23 Team – Cutting Our Losses

The June 23 team called in to let us know that they are following the wave of climb teams that are cutting their losses on a summit bid and beginning the descent back to Denali base camp 7,200 ft ( 2194 m). As another storm rolls in this is the best decision for the team…

June 21 Team – The Descent Begins

The June 21 team called in their dispatch as they began the process of breaking camp down at Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m). Despite this team’s patience with the weather on Denali this season, the poor travel conditions have not let up and the forecast isn’t showing that a summit bid would be successful…

June 23 Team – The Storm Continues

The June 23 team radioed in on the 14th day of their Denali expedition. Like most climb teams, they have been unable to climb higher than Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m). Conditions are king in any mountain range, especially in Alaska where poor weather and storms can hang on for weeks at a time.…

June 21 Team – Groundhog Day at 14K

The June 21 team called in from Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m) where they have taken yet another rest day due to poor travel conditions on the upper mountain. Morale is still high however and the team is keeping themselves occupied with reinforcing the snow walls around their camp. It’s truly a test of…

June 21 Team – Cribbage at 14K

The June 21 team spent their ninth day at Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m) resting in their tents, between extra tasty camp meals, and a team cribbage tournament! Like all teams on Denali right now weather has made travel and progress to the upper mountain nearly impossible. The team is hoping the high winds…

June 23 Team – Life in the Snow Globe

Mountain Trip apprentice guide, Steven Burns called in an update for the June 23 team to let us know they are still enjoying life in the snow globe up at Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m). Reaching Camp 3 or “14 Camp” is a milestone on the West Buttress route and gives climb teams the…

June 21 Team – Riding Out the Storm

The June 21 team radioed in from Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m) where they are reinforcing snow walls around their tents and preparing to ride out the latest storm to hit the Alaskan Range this season. The team reports high winds and a poor weather forecast in the days ahead. They are sending best…

June 21 Team – Happy Fourth from 14K

The June 21 Team celebrated the Fourth of July with a corn hole toss tournament on their sixth night at Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m). The team loves this well-equipped camp so much they hardly want to leave! From here they are waiting for the weather to improve on the upper mountain so they…

June 18 Team – Back in Anchorage

Lead guide Jesse Wright called in to let friends and family of the June 18 team know that they are back in Anchorage safe after wrapping up their Denali expedition. This team made the tough call of turning back from their summit attempt and hanging at High Camp 17,200 ft (5242 m) until the weather…