Trip Reports

June 21 Team – The Climb Begins

The June 21 Team called in to let us all know that they have successfully climbed from Denali base camp 7,200 ft (2194 m) to Camp 1 7,800 ft (2377 m). From the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier, the crew departed base camp, dropped down the infamous Heartbreak Hill, and onto the glacier itself.…

June 18 Team – Out of the Rain

The June 18 Team is excited to report that they are out of the rain and have made it to Camp 2 11,200 ft (3413 m)! While they would have normally arrived here a bit earlier in the trip weather has continued to trend towards challenging and stormy. Camp 2 is known for its gorgeous…

June 18th Team – Wet at Camp 1

Constance called in a dispatch in French, which we, unfortunately, do not speak very well. If anyone could please post a translation into the comments, we’d sure appreciate it!! The team spent the day at Camp 1 being rained on intermittently. The weather has been incredibly difficult, with low visibility and rain. We have occasionally…

June 15 Rapid Denali Team – WWAE?

To quote the famous Robert Service poem, “There are strange things done under the midnight sun…” Our Rapid Ascent Team called in from a very, very snowy 14,200 foot camp, where they are ruminating about the niceties of life not inside a ping pong ball. Today’s update let us all know that they carried a…

June 18 Team Caches at 10,200′

Dodging rain showers and pushing through generally poor conditions, the June 18 Team ascended to 10,200′ to leave a cache of equipment and supplies, then descended back to Camp 1. This system of “cache and carry” has two purposes: it helps climbers acclimatize and it allows climbers to lighten their loads between camps. It’s a…