Trip Reports

May 13 Team – Resting at High Camp

The May 13 Team waited out cold and windy conditions above 17,000 ft (m) today on what we hear was a very relaxing rest day! Our bodies have to work much harder to function at higher altitudes with less oxygen in our blood. Considering the team climbed 3,000 ft (m) yesterday with full packs this…

May 17 Team – Edge of the World

The May 17 Team has decided to take an extra rest day at Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m) while waiting for better weather to move up to High Camp 17,200 ft (5242 m). From climber Martin’s dispatch we hear that after a day of resting in tents, the team took a short walk out…

May 8th Team – Final Dispatch from Anchorage

Guide Chris Dickson called in from Anchorage with the May 8th team’s final dispatch. They flew off the glacier yesterday morning, showered, ate and drove back to Anchorage that night. The crew is starting to make their respective ways homeward, but some of the boys are first going to treat themselves to… Well, you should…

May 20 Team – Preparing for the Headwall

Our May 20 Team climbers called in on the radio tonight while their Mountain Trip guides showed off their gourmet chef skills in the cook tent. From what we hear, the dining at Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m) has been especially good! The team is enjoying excellent weather and is looking forward to moving…

May 13 Team – Greetings from High Camp

Mountain Trip guide, Tom Huntely is calling in live with the dispatch from his -20 degree sleeping bag at the team’s new home of Camp 4 17,200 ft (5242 m)! That means they are right on schedule and were able to complete their objective for the day. Congratulations team! This is a huge accomplishment and…

May 13 Team – High Camp Tomorrow

Mountain Trip guide Maddie’s dispatch has some exciting news for the May 13 Team! Aside from lots of good eating in the cook tent at Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m), rest time in the tents, and leisurely walks this team is preparing to make the move to High Camp tomorrow! Also known as Camp…