Trip Reports

Mount Kenya – Cool Climbing!

Dave Ahrens called in from 14,000′ on Mount Kenya.  He and Sole climbed Point Peter to over 15,000′ today, via a route that was a mix of 3rd-4th class climbing, plus some more technical pitches. The team is doing great and Dave and Sole plan to launch up the 22 pitches of technical rock to…

Trekking in to Mount Kenya

Dave and Sole are off to Mount Kenya!  They began their trek into the mountain today after a couple of days of traveling to Nairobi, Kenya and a drive to the trailhead they were excited to be underway and try to shake off the jet lag with a bit of a hike.  They’ve been seeing…

June 26 Denali Team, HEADING FOR THE SUMMIT!

The Mountain Trip lead guide Jacob Schmitz called in with an update on the June 26 Denali West Buttress Expedition, who yesterday took their second rest day at High Camp. The team has enjoyed the expansive views from 17,200′ over the Alaska Range, catching their breath and preparing mentally and physically for the long, strenuous…