Trip Reports

December 17 Aconcagua Team Final Dispatch

Here’s a final dispatch from the December 17th Aconcagua Team from guides Kristen and Jason: Now that the winds have settled, everyone has had enjoyed several refreshing showers, and some much needed rest, we can reflect on an amazing experience on the highest peak in the Americas!  The team worked hard for a week and…

Happy New Year From Plaza De Mulas

Dean Stoios called in from the 14,400′ Plaza de Mulas Base Camp on the west side of Aconcagua to wish everyone a Happy New Year! The team descended a vertical mile today after a hard earned summit bid yesterday.  The route drops off the north ridge via a series of huge scree fields that make…

SUMMIT!! Aconcagua Team Is On Top!

The entire team reached the summit of the Americas today! Despite a tricky weather forecast, the team enjoyed a beautiful day as they worked hard to reach the summit of Aconcagua.  The team called in from 22,841 feet and shared warm wishes in multiple languages. The sentiments expressed share what it genuinely means to be…