Trip Reports

June 12 team- holding in Talkeetna

The team traveled to Talkeetna and checked in with Park Service, weighed their bags at the air taxi service and filled their water bottles, but the weather didn’t cooperate and they spent the first night of their trip in Talkeetna.  Guides call this the ‘hurry up and wait’ attitude, and it is a theme to…

May 31 team- rested at high camp

Mike called to report a successful rest day at high camp.  Guide Sean McManamy is descending to basecamp with Shaun Gilbert and a guest from another expedition, they should be in basecamp at the time of this posting.  Everything is OK but Shaun had some issues with the altitude that warranted descent to friendlier elevations.

May 29 team- rest day

Durny and company took a much-deserved rest day at 17,200′ camp yesterday to recover from their long, hard move from 14 camp the day before.  Their plan is now to wait for conditions that allow for a summit bid.  Today?  Tomorrow?  Time and weather will tell.