Trip Reports

May 4th Denali Team Calls From Camp 1

Gustav Deuss called in a couple of updates from Camp 1 after he and the team carried a load of supplies up the Kahiltna earlier in the day.  We’ll post them both, as it’s nice to hear from him.  By the good-natured ribbing in the second one, I think they’re having a good time! Denali…

Everest 2017 – Team Rests At Dingboche

The team is enjoying some rest and recuperation time in the relatively thick air of Dingboche, located at right around 14,000′ (4270 m).  Today, they took a walk up valley to Pheriche, stopping for the photo above at a “stupa.”  They are eating heartily and trying to build up their reserves in preparation for their…

May 4 Denali Team Moves To Camp 1

Mountain trip guide Jason Denley called in from 7,800′ on the Kahiltna Glacier, after the team carried all their equipment and supplies about five miles up glacier from Base Camp today. Jason reports great conditions on the lower glacier, meaning a firm trail and low crevasse hazard, so the guys were psyched!  After establishing camp,…

Denali Team Zahid – Back Carries From 10K

Eli Potter called in another detailed post that was unfortunately cut off toward the end.  Satellite communication in mountainous areas is challenging, when those mountains are close to the Arctic Circle, it gets even tougher.  At Camp 2, there is a 1200′ (356 m) glaciated ridge that blocks the view to the south, where the…

Everest 2017 – Back At Base Camp!

Jacob checked in from Everest Base Camp, as the members of the Mountain Trip/Mountain Madness 2017 Everest Expedition tucked into a huge meal prepared by our amazing Base Camp chef, Sarki. As they descended the Khumbu Icefall, it was very apparent that the Icefall is ever-changing.  There were a few gaps that had not been…