Trip Reports

June 17 Team Holding at 14 Camp

Lead Guide Josh called in the trip report today. It’s clear that he made the report  just to spotlight his skills in the cook tent. The team toughed it out, starting the day by having croissants and brie with french press coffee. Then, a significant nap followed by roast beef au jus and dessert. Scrumptious!…

June 19 Team Moves to 14 Camp

The June 19 team moved up to 14 Camp today, rising above the clouds sitting on the lower mountain into sunny, blue skies at 14 Camp. Guide Taylor called in the report today, and the plan is to rest tomorrow in 14 Camp. The team will use their rest day to enjoy the incredible beauty…

June 21 Team Caches at 13,700′

The team woke to strong winds and snow this morning. They relaxed and had a nice breakfast, the winds calmed and the snow dissipated, and then they packed up a load of equipment and supplies and headed up. They cached their load of supplies at 13,700′ by digging a large, deep pit in the snow.…

June 19 Team Caches at 14 Camp

The June 19 Team had nice traveling conditions for their cache day. They packed up a load of equipment and supplies and ascended 3,000′ to 14 Camp, where they dug a deep hole in the snow and left their supplies.  Guide Nick reports that everyone is doing well and enjoying the beautiful vistas of the…

June 17 Team Caches at 16,400′

Guide Kakiko reports that the team had a big day today, caching at 16,400′ on the ridge above 14 Camp. It a strenuous day for climbers as they tackle the “headwall” and ascend via the fixed lines.   The team plans to rest, relax, and hydrate tomorrow in 14 Camp in preparation for moving up…

June 9 Team Back at High Camp

After a big summit push, the June 9 Team is back at High Camp resting and hydrating. Lead Guide Aaron reports that everyone is doing well and looking forward to the thicker air at lower elevation. After resting, the team will make its way down to Base Camp. Here’s Aaron:

June 19 Team Backcarries

The team descended several hundred feet to retrieve a load of equipment and supplies that they had buried in the snow below 11 Camp a few days ago. Guide Nick reports that the team is doing well, is in fine spirits, and ready to keep moving up the mountain. The plan is to move another…