Trip Reports

Aconcagua Team Checks in from Base Camp

Our first Aconcagua team of the climbing season arrived at the Plaza Argentina Base Camp today, but unfortunately, the satellite phone connection was very poor and Jack Strickland’s message was largely unintelligible.  They crossed the chilly Vacas River early in the morning and then hiked up the tributary Relinchos Valley.  After some steep side hill…

Ecuador Team Checks in After Imbabura

A very poor connection prevented a lot of information from being relayed, but our Ecuador Volcanoes team of Alan Frankl and Phil McDonald just climbed two extinct volcanoes, Fuya Fuya (4.263 m/13,986 ft) and Imbabura(4.630 m/15,190 ft) as they acclimatize for an attempt on the third highest peak in the country, Cayambe. Pablo Puruncajas, a native…

The Blasics Are Headed to Baños

Vanessa called in after the team turned back from their attempt at climbing Chimborazo, the highest peak in Ecuador.  She referenced conditions not feeling safe and what she was referring to was the amount and intensity of the rockfall hazard that threatens the lower part of the route.  Not too long ago, there was a…

Blasic Ecuador Team – Chimborazo Bound!

Vanessa called in from a very nice lodge on the flank of Ecuador’s highest mountain, Chimborazo.  They drove up from the nearby city of Riobamba and spent today resting and acclimatizing before tonight’s attempt to climb Chimborazo. The plan is to start at about 10 pm this evening and climb through the night, so as…