Trip Reports

West Rib Team Backcarries to 14,200′

Travis Baldwin called in from 14,200′, happy after a relatively easy day of dropping downhill about 700′, picking up their cache and hiking it back into camp.  He was pretty enthusiastic about the state of their camp, so hopefully, we’ll get some pictures when they get down off the mountain! The Rib team is now…

Everest Team Moves to Camp 3

Another early morning wake up call for the Everest climbers at Camp 2 today.  They rose to clear skies and no winds as they pulled on their down suits and prepared for the next couple of days of their push to the summit.  They’ll rest for the afternoon at Camp 3 where they are starting…

May 15 Denali Team Moved To Camp 2

Lead Guide Josh Garner called in a report on the team’s move up past the top of the Kahiltna Glacier.  They hiked heavy loads about 4.5 miles up glacier in pretty tough weather, as clouds, snow and wind poured along the Kahiltna.  As they climbed higher, they rose above much of the weather as they…

May 11 Denali Team Moves to Camp 3

Lead Guide Aaron Diamond called in from Genet Basin, a broad bowl perched above a hanging glacier and below a rocky ridge that leads up to High Camp on the West Buttress and the steep snow slopes that lead up to the West Ridge route on Denali.  They moved up today in much kinder conditions…

May 4 Denali Team Still At 14,200 Feet

Manish called in from the huge basin camp at 14,200′.  The team has been waiting for a break in the weather to move up to high Camp, but waves of precipitation and wind have thus far not given them the opportunity to push high. If anyone can provide a translation of Manish’s report, I’d sure…

West Rib Team Moves To 14,200′

Lead Guide Sebastian Grau checked in from Genet Basin, a giant bowl in which they have made their third camp as they continue to acclimatize.  The team moved up from 11,200′ today in much nicer conditions than the maelstrom in which they turned back from yesterday.  Patience paid off! Everyone is doing well and in…