Trip Reports

West Rib Team Acclimatizes To 17,200′

Lead Guide Sebastian Grau called in after the West Rib team continued to build their foundation of acclimatization with a hike up to 17,200′.  They packed up and took off out of the 14,200′ Camp, hiking up moderate snow slopes that led them to the Headwall, a 600 foot stretch of the West Buttress route…

May 19 Denali Team Is At Camp 1

Lead Guide Adam Smith called in from the team’s Camp 1 on the Kahiltna Glacier.  They flew into Denali Base Camp on the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier yesterday, spent some time reviewing glacier skills and campcraft, before getting to bed in preparation of an early departure.  The route actually descends from Base Camp…

May 13 Denali Team Backcarries To 14,200′

Lead Guide Dan Starr called in from 14,200′, after the team backcarried the supplies that they had cached at 13,500′ a couple of days ago.  This was a relatively easy day of work, as they dropped back downhill for about a half hour, dug into their cache and carried loads back up to Genet Basin.…

Everest Team on the Summit!

We just got the call from Nepal that our Everest Team reached the top of Mount Everest at 7:30 am local time this morning (May 22nd).  One climber, Chris Hill, turned around and is back at the South Col already with several of our Sherpa guides, but the rest of the team stood on top…

Geneva Spur Everest 2017

Everest Team Heading to the Summit!

The climbers ascended from Camp 3 on the Lhotse face through the “Yellow Band” and up the “Geneva Spur” to high camp at the South Col on Mount Everest today.  After a couple of hours of rest, they woke up and started getting ready to head to the summit!!  It’s a long push once they…

May 15 Team Updates in Dutch!

I cannot give much detail about this update, as it is beyond my grasp of languages… BUT- our amazing international community of followers have come to my rescue! Marlies Neefjes called in an update, after the May 15th team had a “great day of walking with beautiful weather.”  They picked up their cache below Camp…