Trip Reports

May 29 team- backcarry from 14,200′

Robert Durnell’s team has called in from 14,200′ camp to report that the team had successfully backcarried their gear from 13,500′ to camp today, which means they are poised to carry most of that same gear and food up the fixed lines to 16,400′.  They spent the afternoon today practicing a few technical skills that…

May 24 traverse team

The traverse expedition rested at their high camp on the Harper glacier yesterday, preparing for a summit attempt.  The weather was marginal yesterday morning but improved steadily as the day went on.  If today’s weather is favorable they may go have a look at the south summit.

June 12 West Buttress Expedition

Hello and welcome to the expedition blog for our June 12th Team.  The team will assemble beginning on June 12th in Anchorage for a gear check, team meeting, and make any last purchases that are necessary.  The following day they will drive up to the sleepy little town of Talkeetna, where they will be given…

In Anchorage!

The expedition has returned from the field and have said their goodbyes to each other after a successful expedition.  By all accounts it was an extraordinary trip.  Look soon for the final blog entry by lead guide Jacob Schmitz.  Thanks for following along!