Trip Reports

Back in Talkeetna!

The team endured some pretty rough weather with more wind and snow making even descending Denali a challenge. They made it down to base camp early this morning after traveling through the night, and are back in the relative civilization of Talkeetna for breakfast this morning. Our van will pick them up and they’ll be…

June 23rd Team Backcarried from 14,200′

Dawn Weaver called in from 14,200′ after the team took a rather leisurely day today.  They slept in this morning, getting some well deserved rest following the tough day of moving up from 11,200′ the day before.  The smell of pancakes grilling in the kitchen tent greeted the climbers when they awoke.  After a slow…


The team gave the summit a really good attempt, but it wasn’t in the cards. They headed to the top two days ago, but it was slow going and they had some issues with one climber having trouble with a crampon falling off.  They topped out at approximately 18,200′ and had a pow wow, in…