Trip Reports

Vinson Team on Hold

The team is on hold right now, waiting for weather to improve a bit in Antarctica before hopping on the plane.  ALE has a pretty sophisticated weather forecast for the Union Glacier base area, with remote weather stations, and a full time meteorologist to help make the weather calls.  It is usually winds that will…

Vinson Team Photo

Our Vinson Team met today for their final gear checks and briefing before flying to Antarctica.   It is always an exciting anxious time, each climber checking their lists one last time and guides going through every piece of gear to be certain everyone is prepared for the expedition.   It was made a bit more challenging…

Aconcagua SUMMIT!

David Bailey and Lawrence Cutler just called in from the summit of South America!  The two climbers, with out guides Christian Kerrick and Fermin Avila are standing on top at this moment. They had a beautiful day to climb, following some incredibly high winds earlier in the week.  The team was patient and deliberate, which…