Trip Reports

Pissis Team Headed to High Camp Today

The guys spent last night up at Camp 1 and are already heading to High Camp today! They’ll shoulder their packs after breakfast today and head up to their High Camp at just under 19,000 feet. If everyone is feeling well and the weather continues to cooperate, they’ll head for the summit tomorrow (Friday) morning.…

Cerro Pissis Team in Base Camp

James called in from base camp this evening from Cerro Pissis after a nice dinner. They are settled in at just over 15,000 feet, acclimating and preparing to move up to Camp 1 in the next couple of days. The weather continues to look good and they’re all doing great! The next move will be…

Cerro Pissis Team in Base Camp

The climbers are in base camp tonight at 15,000 feet in the Andes looking up at Cerro Pissis. It’s a big jump in altitude from where they’ve been staying, but they’ve been climbing up to 13,000-14,000 feet for a couple of days now to acclimatize to this new height. They’re finally staying in tents after…

Cerro Pissis Update

James, Jesse and Pablo went for an acclimatization hike today. The team drove a short ways from their hotel to hike up to around 14,000 feet. They are building their base of acclimatization in advance of heading to Base Camp for Cerro Pissis tomorrow. Recording

Kili Team: Final Trip Dispatch

Hello Friends and Family, Yesterday we toured the Ngorongoro crater where we saw a heard of 6000 wildebeest and a group of 20 elephant, among many other animals. Our knowledgeable safari guides taught us the habits and characteristics of each of the animals we saw. We stopped to visit a Masai tribe living according to…