Trip Reports

W. Rib Team Checking In

The team checked in from the W. Rib and they are doing great.  They’ve made a carry up as high as the 16,200 camp on the 6th.  They hope to move up there in a couple of days, but it looks like some weather might be coming in for a few days. Here’s Marty. recording

June 17th Team On The Way Down

The weather remained un cooperative up high on Denali over the last few days, and with a continued forecast of high winds the team made the decision to descend late yesterday.  They spent last night at Camp 3 at 14,000 ft and plan to continue their descent towards base camp after breakfast this morning. Cason…

June 24th Team Checking In

Today was beautiful up on Denali and the team had a nice mostly relaxing day.  They had a leisurely breakfast and then went down the hill to 13,500 ft where they’d left a cache a few days earlier.   They picked up the cache of food and fuel and carried back up to camp at 14,200…