Trip Reports

Team Blasic is about to attempt Cayambe!

Vanessa Blasic called in, utilizing her ever-growing Spanish skills, to report that the team is at the hut on the flank of the 18,997 foot Cayambe Volcano.  They will sleep for a few hours before awakening before midnight to start their ascent.  The weather looks a bit challenging, but hopefully, the winds will abate somewhat…


A final dispatch from lead guide Adam Smith: We climbed the breathtaking 16000-foot ridge towards high camp and passed the remaining climbers on their descent. Arriving to a deserted camp at 17,200 feet and watching the final groups round Windy Corner and out of sight, the isolation sunk in. It is a wild and special…

June 26th Team back in Talkeetna

The team arrived in base camp early in the afternoon today, and shortly after hopped in ski planes and were in Talkeetna.   They are spending tonight enjoying the relative civilization of Talkeetna and will be coming back to Anchorage tomorrow.  Congratulations to everyone on the team for working hard and getting down safely.  This was…