May 29 West Buttress team — Enjoying the view up high at 14-Camp

Climber Ross Jobson called in for the Mountain Trip May 29 Denali West Buttress team, who have reached camp at 14,200′ on the route.

They will spend at least one full day and night at 14-Camp to acclimate to the thinner air and high elevation before tackling the upper mountain.

Here’s a recent photo of climbers from another Mountain Trip team above 14-Camp, to give those at home an idea of the spectacular views the team is experiencing:

Here’s Ross:

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  1. I love you Ross. I’m texting from top of Puyupatamarca in Peru! Last night here before Macchupichu finally! We are all ok. Some of the Boricuas got sick yesterday. It was the hardest day! See you soon amor!

  2. Ross-Great reporting!! Sure hope you get your wish and the weather cooperates.Hello to my mountaineer climber Carly Cain! Wishing you all the strength you need to make the summit.
    Love Mom

  3. Hey! Hope this reaches Gerard Crum. Loving keeping up with your progress. Funny that you were as hot climbing in the ice and snow as Kathi and the rest of us were melting on the beach! Be safe/ Have fun and make the summit!

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