Trip Reports

Life at Everest Base Camp

Bill Allen, Everest Base Camp April 27th We woke up to another snowy morning here at base camp, but after a few hours the skies cleared and it actually turned into a pretty nice day. Scott, Ephi, and Chris enjoying a snowy morning at base camp (Khumbu Ice Fall in the back ground) Yesterday was…

Audio Post 4/26/11

Hi folks, The April 24th team has called in a post from 7,800 feet on the Kahiltna glacier.  They are planning to hike up and cache some food above “ski Hill”, then come back down to camp. Click to hear the update: [audio:|titles=Audio Post]

Headed to Base Camp!

The April 24th team is en route to KIA (Kahiltna International Airport), located at 7,200′ (2200m) on the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna Glacier. They left Anchorage at about 8 am this morning and drove 45 minutes to the famous town of Wasilla, Alaska (“I can see Russia from my yard!”) where they took a…

Camped at 11,200′

Hi Folks, Sorry for the delay, but the team has been in motion and getting messages out has been delayed somewhat. Jacob and the team have moved to the broad basin at 11,200′ (3413m) I described previously.  The thick clouds and steady wind dissipated somewhat and permitted them to push up to camp.  It sounds…

Back in Basecamp

April 25, 2011 6:00 pm Back in Base Camp Hi Everyone. I’m gonna keep this one short for now as we just arrived back in BC today after our first rotation up the mountain. We spent 2 nights at Camp I and 3 nights at Camp II and I’m happy to report that aside from…

Team Meeting and Gear Check

The team met one another today in Anchorage.  I’ve not gotten a report as to how everything went, which means that everyone’s kit looked good, with no significant omissions.  Denali requires a certain amount of specific clothing and equipment that you don;t need for most other mountains.  Sometimes you don’t need it all on Denali,…

Camp 2

Bill Allen from Camp 2 Another day at Camp 2. We woke again to a beautiful morning here high in the Western Cwm with Mt. Everest towering above. It was another calm cold night up here, with a couple of inches of snow through the evening. We haven’t been stirring much in the mornings before…

Packed and Ready to Go!

I just spoke with lead guide Dave Staeheliearlier this afternoon, who reported that the guides had all the food and equipment packed for our April 24th team.  Tomorrow, they will meet the climbers at the iconic Earth Bed and Breakfast, near downtown Anchorage. Tomorrow is a pretty full day that will begin with a team…