Trip Reports

Lawrence calling from 11,200′

Lawrence Cutler took command of the satellite phone yesterday and called in from 11,200′ yesterday.  It sounds like the weather was pretty marginal, so they decided not to push it.  One of the challenges of making a decision as to whether to stay or go from this particular camp is that you can’t really see…

Heading Up To The Ridge

I just spoke with Ben a bit ago and it sounds like things are going really well for the team and they are going to make a carry up onto the ridge that leads to high camp in just a few minutes. Yesterday, they did a “back-carry” to bring the supplies that they had cached…

Call from 14,000 Camp

Good morning everyone.  We received a call from our April 17th team last night.  Chase Franklin gives us all the update on food, weather, and their plans for the next few days. Click here to hear Chase and Zach: [audio:]

At Camp 1

Henry called in yesterday evening to report that the team packed up all their kit and moved five miles up the vast Kahiltna Glacier to a spot at about 7,800′ (2380m) where they set up their Camp 1.  The spot is off the point where the Northeast Fork of the Kahiltna comes out from the…