Trip Reports

Hi from Namche

Post: Bill Allen from Namche   April 4, 2011 After a very rainy night last night, we awoke to clear skies and new snow in the Himalaya with the snow line just a few hundred feet above where we stayed in the village of Phakding.   It was a beautiful start of the day, with fresh snow…

Kathmandu and Lukla

Hi Everyone, I thought I’d give you all an update from Kathmandu. Yesterday morning, Bill Allen’s group, including Ephi Gildor, Chris Davenport, Neil Beidelman and three friends joining them for the trek, flew into Lukla in helicopters.  Helicopter fights to Lukla are one of the additional services we offer, as they tend to be more…


Hi Everyone, I thought we’d give a quick update. We are in Kathmandu, excited about heading off for another Everest expedition! It is very nice to be back, and springtime in Kathmandu is extra exciting as it is a time to see lots of friends who are congregating here for the pre-monsoon climbing season. Kathmandu…