June 26 Denali Team, HEADING FOR THE SUMMIT!

The Mountain Trip lead guide Jacob Schmitz called in with an update on the June 26 Denali West Buttress Expedition, who yesterday took their second rest day at High Camp. The team has enjoyed the expansive views from 17,200′ over the Alaska Range, catching their breath and preparing mentally and physically for the long, strenuous…

June 26 Team – Amanda Calls From 14 Camp

Amanda Birkett called from 14,200′ where the members of the June 26th Team are all enjoying spectacular weather, after their extended stay in a snowstorm at their previous camp.  Today, they reviewed skills that they will need to use as they move higher up the mountain. The guides established a series of “fixed lines” by…

June 26 Denali team at 11,200′

Hmm. We’re scratching our heads a bit from this one. We were able to tell that the update came from climber Katrin Oertel, and that half of it was in German, but unfortunately they had a spotty satellite phone connection, likely due to the snowy conditions. The Mountain Trip June 26 West Buttress Expedition is…

June 26 Denali team to move camp to 14,200′

Climber Amanda Birkett* called in with an update on the Mountain Trip June 26 West Buttress Expedition, who will spend today moving even closer to their goal of the highest point in North America. They spent their day resting at 11,200′ camp, practicing skills and going for a short hike on Squirrel Hill for some…