Final dispatch from the June 11 team

Lead guide Kristin Arnold called in a final update for the June 11 team, who are back in Anchorage after their expedition up the West Buttress! They are likely enjoying being back in civilization, complete with warm showers, fresh produce, greenery and iced beverages. The team descended from 14-camp all the way to Denali base…

SUMMIT! June 11 Team

Congratulations to the June 11th Team for reaching the summit of Denali! It was hard work and the team endured through difficult weather conditions, but they kept their pace and made good decisions and today Julian and Kristin stood on the summit. It sounds like they had the summit to themselves—awesome. We’ll post more information…

June 11 Team at High Camp 17,200′

It was a cold, windy day on the upper mountain but the team was able to move to High Camp at 17,200′. They retraced their steps up the Headwall, made their way carefully along the beautiful ridgeline above the Genet basin, passed their cache site, and arrived at High Camp. It’s definitely some of the…

June 11 Team Caches on Ridge at 16,400′

Today the crew made a big push up the steepest part of the West Buttress route, carrying loads of equipment and supplies to a cache site 16,400′. They started out early, climbing moderate snow slopes for approximately 1,400′ above 14 Camp. At roughly 15,600′, they reached the Headwall, a steep ice and snow slope that…

June 11 Team Attempts Move to 11 Camp

Today the team attempted to move from Camp 1 (7800′) to 11 Camp (11,200′). However, the storm system that has been sitting over the Alaska range for the past week has dumped so much snow that travel was too difficult, and the team retreated back to Camp 1. Veteran Mountain Trip guides are reporting more…