Rest Day for May 22 Team at High Camp

The May 22nd Team enjoyed a rest day at High Camp. Team members rested, relaxed, and hydrated after the move up to 17,200′. It sounds like it was a bit windy and the team spent some time fortifying camp by building snow walls around their tents. The plan is to attempt to summit tomorrow. Fingers…

May 22 West Buttress Team at High Camp!

Great climbing, great weather, great spirits for the May 22 Denali West Buttress Team! Climber Tim Spencer called in to update those following along at home that the team has reached High Camp at 17,200′, their final stop before the summit at 20,320′. Although their legs are tired from the ascent, they seem eager to…

May 22 West Buttress team reaches 14-Camp

Climber Scott Wheeler called in an update on the May 22 Denali West Buttress team, who have progressed up to 14,200′ on the route and set up camp. The team has been fortunate enough to spend the last few days climbing in relatively warm (around 32 degrees Fahrenheit) weather, with clear skies and sunshine. They…

May 22 Denali Team Moved Up To 14,200′

The climbers on our May 22 West Buttress team had a big day yesterday, packing up their camp at 11,200′ and moving everything up around Windy Corner to establish themselves at the huge Genet Basin camp often called “14 Camp.”  This is their third camp of the expedition, and this elevation is an important one…

May 22 Team – Weather Day at 11,200′

Anna Wheeler called in from the beautiful basin camp at 11,200′ this evening.  The weather in the morning had been really rough, but later in the day, it cleared and became downright hot and sunny!  The challenge for the team was that by the time things cleared and warmed, they had already made the decision…

May 22 West Buttress Team resting at Camp 3

Climber Tim Spencer called in a report for the Mountain Trip May 22 Denali West Buttress Expedition, who took a much-needed rest day at Camp 3 after officially spending one week on the route. The spent the day refueling with good food, shoveling out their tents, catching up on reading, and getting to know the…