2017 Everest Team Preps For The Summit

No – it’s not Darth Jacob, the new emissary of the Dark side… The climbers on our 2017 Mount Everest team reviewed and practiced the use of our oxygen system in preparation of their final rotation up the mountain.  The winds on the upper mountain have been very strong and there is a good amount…

Today at Everest Base Camp

Jacob sent a video from basecamp today giving an idea of what’s happening as they wait for their summit push.  There’s always a bit of anxiety around this time, trying to relax, but excited to get going and head for the summit! The route on the South Side of the mountain is still in the…

Lobuche Peak Everest Trek

Everest Team Back to Base Camp

Thursday May 11th from Everest Base Camp After spending a few days down at Dingboche we hiked up to Lobuche yesterday.  Then today we made it back to Everest Base Camp in time for lunch. Everyone is doing great  and feeling re-energized after spending sometime at a lower elevation. Of course we’re excited to be…

Everest 2017 – Team Rests At Dingboche

The team is enjoying some rest and recuperation time in the relatively thick air of Dingboche, located at right around 14,000′ (4270 m).  Today, they took a walk up valley to Pheriche, stopping for the photo above at a “stupa.”  They are eating heartily and trying to build up their reserves in preparation for their…

Everest 2017 – Back At Base Camp!

Jacob checked in from Everest Base Camp, as the members of the Mountain Trip/Mountain Madness 2017 Everest Expedition tucked into a huge meal prepared by our amazing Base Camp chef, Sarki. As they descended the Khumbu Icefall, it was very apparent that the Icefall is ever-changing.  There were a few gaps that had not been…