Up Thru the Ice fall Today!

We left early this morning for our first rotation up. 3.30am start through the jumbled Khumbu Icefall. Its in good shape this year, a fast route, but very exposed near the top. Great weather and good conditions. Always difficult moving up for the first time to the next higher camp till we are acclimatized. Planning…

Camp 1!!

Our team is up at Camp 1 tonight at over 21,000 ft!  They were able to give us a quick call on the satellite phone this evening to let us know they were doing great.   They traveled through the Khumbu Ice Fall for the first time of the expedition, and it sounds like everyone did…

Ice Climbing Today

We’re back from a great day ice climbing on the lower icefall. It has been hot and sunny! It has been lots of fun and a good intro to whats up higher, starting the day after tomorrow! Later this afternoon we had a meeting with most all the expedition leaders to discuss fixing rope on…

Hike to Pumori Camp 1 Today

Amazing hike up to 19,000 ft. today giving us another great view of the upper route on Everest. Interesting hike up past a couple of perfectly turquoise colored lakes. Back just in time for lunch prepared by Serki, our chef, and perhaps THE  best cook in Everest Base Camp! Trudi and Albert are in the…

Puja Ceremony Today!

Hello from Everest Base Camp! This morning we shared the important (and fun!) Puja ceremony with all our staff and sherpa team. It was quite the celebration, and all in perfect weather! Both a blessing and bonding of the Sherpa and members. This years’ ceremony proved to be one of the best. Now the climbing…

Everest Base Camp Life

Today was the intellectual challenge day – the presentation of the whole Sherpa team – 22 names to remember starting with Dawang Chou and leading to Nawan Sandim. You got it – well we have 6 weeks to get it and we are all working hard on this. Great team these guys, they are the…

Blue Skies in Lobuche!

We are all currently in the small village of Lobuche, arriving yesterday morning accompanied by clouds and wind. Today we are enjoying perfect weather and great views all around. Part of the team climbed a 17,000 ft peak near here with amazing views of the whole Everest region.  We also toured the Italian Pyramid Research…

Short Hike below Ama Dablam Today

Awoke to more cloudy weather this morning. Has been consistent cloud, snow and fog for quite a few days. Fortunately we have been afforded some great views with the mixed weather conditions. Up to 16,000 ft today for another acclimatization hike just below Ama Dablam near a small lake.  The team had an exciting time…