May 25 Team – Nestled in at 17K

A quick update from the May 25 Team – they are safe and sound at Camp 4 17,200 ft (5242 m)! Everyone is enjoying a much-needed rest day warming up and bedding down in their tents after quite the summit attempt yesterday. The team will hold here until conditions show them what the next best…

May 25 Team – Medical Update

En route up the ridge, Lead Guide Josh Jespersen experienced symptoms indicative of a serious medical problem. Prudently, Josh turned back and descended the fixed lines, and returned to 14,200 ft (4328 m) where he was seen by the NPS medical staff. The staff has much greater diagnostic abilities and consulted with the NPS Medical…

May 25 Denali Team at 14,200 ft Preparing to Move

The May 25th team is at Camp 3(14,200ft) resting, recovering, and acclimatizing before making the push up to High Camp (17,200ft) hopefully tomorrow! They’re watching the weather and getting their gear together hoping to move on up to their highest camp and be in position to try for the summit. The satellite phone call from…

May 25 Team – Dining on Denali

The May 25 Team called in from Camp 3 14,200 ft (m). They are holding here waiting for the high winds and snow storms to subside all over the mountain. As the most well-equipped camp on the West Buttress route, this crew is lucky to be holding here over anywhere else on the route. To…

May 25th Team – Moves to Camp 3!

Lead Guide Josh Jespersen called in from Camp 3 at 14,200 feet (4328 m). The team had a great day of moving up from Camp 2, located 3,200 feet below. They broke down camp and loaded their packs with all their sleeping kit, as well as some food and fuel that had not been previously…

May 25 Team – Pack Facts from Camp 2

The May 25 team successfully made the move from Camp 1 7,800 ft (2377 m) to Camp 2 11,200 ft (3413 m) yesterday and called in to tell us more fun facts about what they’re carrying around in their huge Denali packs. Today we’re hearing about what they wish they hadn’t brought! It only takes…