June 4 Team At Base Camp

Lead guide Chris Trullaz reports that the poor weather has prevented the team from flying back to Talkeetna and they are on a “weather hold” at base camp. It sounds like the team is doing a good job passing the time and a bit of experimental cooking (!!) is going on. Fingers crossed for the…

June 4 Team – Summit Day Cut Short

We’re happy to hear an evening update from Mountain Trip lead guide Chris Trullaz and the June 4 team that they are hunkered down at Camp 4 17,200 ft (5242 m) after making a strong attempt at the summit of Denali 20,300 ft (6187 m). The high point of the West Buttress route has been…

June 4 Denali Team Moves to High Camp

Nawal Sfendl called in another post in French, this one from High Camp on the West Buttress! Camp is located at 17,200 feet (5242 m), with stunning views of the ridge the team climbed to get to their airy perch. Our French language skills are limited, but It sounds like the team did well and…

June 4 Team – Bon Jour from 14K

Climber Nawal Sfendla called in the June 4 Team’s daily dispatch entirely in French so tap the audio link below to hear her recording if you’re following her climb or just want to give it a listen! This crew is currently safe and sound at Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m) after what sounds like…

June 4 Team – Sunshine at 14K

Mountain Trip guide, James Gallant, called in to let us all know that the June 4 Team is continuing to thrive as they make their way along their West Buttress itinerary. They are safe, sound, and basking in the sunshine in a reprieve from the historically stormy weather this season. A stroke of good luck…

June 4 Team – Arrived at 14 Camp

Climber Terry called in on behalf of the June 4 Denali expedition team that is currently firing their way up the West Buttress route and has made it to Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m), also known as “14 Camp”. Everyone on the team is happy, healthy, and excited to be out of the “weather…

June 4 Team – A Lovely Weather Day

Mountain Trip Apprentice Guide, James Gallant called in last night after the June 4 team enjoyed a “lovely weather day” at Camp 2 11,000 ft (3353 m)! Tap the recording below to hear James’s full update and shoutout to his family back home. Marginal weather can be an advantageous reprieve for climb teams on the…