everest summit day


Mountain Trip Everest Expedition climber Vanessa called in to report that the team is headed for the summit today! The team made the decision to take advantage of a rest day yesterday, so they could spend a few more hours acclimating, breathing supplemental oxygen and replenishing their strength to give them a boost to make…

2016 Everest Team Checks in from the South Col!

Mountain Trip guide and owner Bill Allen called our headquarters from 25,938 ft. (7,906 m) on Mount Everest with an update on the expedition’s progress.  He, Vanessa and Greg have been moving up the mountain for the past few days, gaining over 8,000 ft. of elevation, as they prepare for their summit bid on Everest!…

May 18th Everest at Camp 3

We had a beautiful morning for our move up to Camp 3 today. We are at just over 23,000 ft. (7,000 m) here, and are spending the afternoon relaxing and taking advantage of the supplemental oxygen for the first time during our expedition. Everyone did very well this morning on the move up to Camp…

2016 Everest Expedition back at Camp 2

Vanessa called to check in on behalf of the Mountain Trip 2016 Everest Expedition early this morning. She said that they had an especially hard day after leaving Everest BC, successfully climbing all the way from Base Camp up to Camp 2 through several difficult sections beneath a relentless sun. They were fortunate enough to enjoy…

May 16 Everest Expedition Dispatch

The Summit Push Begins The time has come at last for us to make our final push to the summit of Everest! Today we left Base Camp, climbed up through the Khumbu Icefall for the last time on this expedition, and continued up to Camp 2. Greg and Vanessa made great time through the Icefall…

May 13 Everest Expedition Dispatch

It was a beautiful day for a hike above Basecamp! After another delicious breakfast, we headed down the glacier and up the West side of the Khumbu Valley to a little 18,000ft high point overlooking Everest base camp and with amazing views of the upper slopes of Mount Everest. It looked like a pretty windy…

May 12 Everest Expedition Dispatch

It was a rest day at Mountain Trip Base Camp today. Spending time resting, recovering, and acclimating here at our base camp is an inevitable part of any Everest Expedition. We keep ourselves entertained in a variety of ways, and the days actually seem to go by pretty quickly here. We’ll generally have breakfast shortly…

May 10 Everest Expedition calls from Base Camp

Vanessa called in to HQ early this morning for a quick update on Mountain Trip’s Everest Expedition, who have successfully returned to Base Camp after a round of acclimatization. Before descending, they had reached their highest point to date, above Camp 2. The team awoke and began to prepare for their descent at 4 a.m., departing…

May 9 Everest Expedition Dispatch

We awoke at 3:45 a.m. this morning and struggled out of our sleeping bags in the dark to get an early start on our climb up the Lhotse Face, a demanding section of the route that begins just a few hundred feet above Camp 2. After a breakfast of cereal and freshly-baked cinnamon rolls (yes,…