Everest 2017 – Team Rests At Dingboche

The team is enjoying some rest and recuperation time in the relatively thick air of Dingboche, located at right around 14,000′ (4270 m).  Today, they took a walk up valley to Pheriche, stopping for the photo above at a “stupa.”  They are eating heartily and trying to build up their reserves in preparation for their…

Everest 2017 – Back At Base Camp!

Jacob checked in from Everest Base Camp, as the members of the Mountain Trip/Mountain Madness 2017 Everest Expedition tucked into a huge meal prepared by our amazing Base Camp chef, Sarki. As they descended the Khumbu Icefall, it was very apparent that the Icefall is ever-changing.  There were a few gaps that had not been…

everest 2017 camp 2

Everest 2017 – Update from Camp 2

Looking at Camp 2 on the Mountain Trip/Mountain Madness Everest Expedition Hello everyone, Jacob here checking in for the 2017 Mountain Trip Everest Expedition. Yesterday we took a much deserved rest day. There were high winds outside and above us, so we just stayed in camp and enjoyed some good food and good company. Today…

Everest Team at Camp 2

Our Everest team is at Camp 2 again at around 21,400 ft near the base of the Lhotse Face.  They are on their second and final acclimatization trip up the mountain in preparation for the summit push coming in a couple of weeks.   They woke up early at base camp (1am) and climbed through the…

Everest 2017 – Pictures!!!

Chris Jentz crosses a crack near the top of the Khumbu Icefall Camp 2 on Mount Everest on a clear day!  A bit of recent snow has fallen on the Lhotse Face to the left of the thick crevasses above our dining tent. If you lose your shirt playing cards at 21,400 feet, does the…