Relaxing at Camp 2

Yesterday the team all moved up to Camp 2 here. A tough hike up in high winds yesterday. Winds were gusting to 25-30 knots, but today things have calmed down considerably. Were doing well, just moving around slowly as we readjust to the altitude. Its becoming a bit of an unusual season.  Almost the entire…

Enjoying Base Camp

Hello from Everest Base Camp! Today the 28th we are enjoying a beautiful clear morning. We can see up the Khumbu ice fall and the impressive Cholatse and Tabouche peaks in the distance. The last few days we have been taking advantage of our well deserved rest days after our first rotation to camp 2.…

Enjoying Base Camp Life

Were all settled in here at Base Camp. Very nice place to be. Hot showers, sushi for lunch, pizza for dinner, a fine selection of boxed Nepali wines, fresh baked croissants for breakfast, , and all morning sunshine! This is the time all of us are recovering from being up high. Some of the team…

Down to Base Camp Ths Morning!

Up at 4.30am this morning and off to BC at 5.30am. Perfect, beautiful morning. Cold and clear descending to Camp 1 first through the lower Western Cwm, then into the Khumbu Icefall.  Always a nervous place.  Just last week a Sherpa from a different team had a fatal accident just below Camp 1 here. The…

Camp 2 Life

This is our last day at Camp 2 for this rotation up. Went for a hike up to below the impressive Lhotse Face today to around 22,000 ft.. SO far the ropes have not been fixed up to Camp 3, soon. 2 of our sherpas are on the team that will put lines in this…

Were all in Camp 2!

The whole team is here at 21,500 ft. now after a good day moving from C1 to C2. Nice weather except its been very windy all day. The winds have picked up since mid day here in Camp so its been a challenge tying everything down well. We have skipped setting our dinning tent up…