May 8 Team Back in High camp!

Guide Maddie Crowell called in last night to report the team made it back to High Camp! Congratulations Maddie for her first summit in three attempts! Congratulations to the entire team! It’s a long day, about 14 hours, to attempt the summit and I’m sure the team is looking forward to some feasting in Talkeetna. We…

May 8 Denali Team – SUMMIT!!!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to the members of our May 8th Denali team who are standing on the summit of North America! The team departed their 17,200 foot High Camp at abut 9:15 Alaska time this morning and reached the summit of North America at just after 6 pm this evening. It was a beautiful day, with clear…

May 8 Team Weather Day at High Camp

Our lead guide Dodge calls in to report the team had another weather day at High Camp yesterday! They are enjoying lots of instant mashed potatoes and sorting through their favorite dehydrated meals. Maddy even found some surprise sticks of butter in the cache, which really brings all the meals up another level! Today, the…

May 8 Team Chilling at High Camp

Patrick updates us from High Camp today. The team has been there for a few days now, waiting for that perfect weather window! Thus far, high winds have prevented them from a summit attempt. But it looks like Saturday will bring more favorable conditions. Sitting at High Camp is not exactly glorious. But the team…

May 8 Team Rest Day at High Camp

Guide Maddy Crowell calls in to update us from High Camp at 17,200′ (5242m). As I explained in the report yesterday, you can be ready to go for the summit but there are a lot of variables to be considered. Yesterday the team was waiting out some cold temps (a wind chill on the summit…

May 8 Team Rest Day at High Camp

Lead guide Dodge calls in for the May 8 team last night. Yesterday, they had a well deserved rest day at High Camp at 17,200′ (5242m). The team ate a lot of food and drank a lot of water. Making sure they are well rested, hydrated, and full of calories before their big attempt at…

May 8 Team Moves to High Camp

The May 8 team successfully moved to High Camp at 17,200′ (5242m) yesterday! They are the first Mountain Trip team of the year (well, also the first Mountain Trip team on the mountain) to make it to High Camp! When they arrived, camp was pretty barren. So rather than use some old snow walls or…

May 8 Team Rest Day at Camp 3

Josh updates us from 14,200′ (4328m) to report that the team enjoyed a well earned rest day today. They walked out to the “Edge of the World” which is where Camp 3 suddenly drops 6,000′ (1828m) to the Southeast Fork of the Kahiltna below. This dramatic drop offers fantastic views, and a nice way to…

May 8 Team Carries Up The Headwall

Julian Howe called in a great dispatch with an Anniversary message to his wife. On behalf of the entire Mountain Trip Family – Happy Anniversary to the Howes!!!  The team took advantage of amazing weather to carry loads up to the spectacular ridge that is the West Buttress. They climbed up moderate snow for about…