SUMMIT!!! May 21 Team calls from 20,310′!

A very excited May 21 Team calls from the top of Denali after two previous attempts!!! We’re happy to hear everyone’s voices and shoutouts from the highest point in North America. We’re so happy for the team and very proud that they stuck it out and went for the top once again. Their hard work…

May 21 Team Moves to High Camp!

It’s a Mountain Trip party up at High Camp! The May 21Team joined, moving from 14 Camp to High Camp today. Guide Nick Nason reports that the move went well and everyone was feeling good, but tired, upon arrival at High Camp. The team is hunkered down, resting and eating and hydrating in preparation for…

May 21 West Buttress Team moving to High Camp!

Mountain Trip guide Chris Cullaz called in an update from the May 21 West Buttress team, who enjoyed a rest day yesterday at 14,200′ to maximize their acclimatization before moving higher on the route. Today the team plans to move up to High Camp at 17,200′. The weather outlook for Monday and Tuesday looks promising…

May 21 Team Carried Around Windy Corner

One of the climbers from the May 21st team called in to update us on the team’s day carrying loads up and around the infamous Windy Corner today. They donned crampons for the climb this morning, which commenced with a 1000′ (300m) ascent up a moderate snow slope known as Motorcycle Hill.  Above this point,…