May 21 Team back in town

The May 21 Denali team is back in town after a couple of big days descending from the summit.  It is always a tough push, but the climbers were motivated to get back to beds, showers, and cheeseburgers.   They team had a long and cold summit day, and there was some frostbite amongst the team,…

May 21 Team Back at High Camp

Quick update from Lead Guide Ben. Don, Thomas, Niclas, Gearoid, and Ben are back at High Camp, safe and sound, where they reunited with Greg and Jesse. It was a long day for everyone and hopefully the team will be able to get a good rest tonight. They will eat, hydrate, and pack up and…

SUMMIT!! May 21 Team

It was a long, cold, windy day but the team pushed through and Don, Thomas, Niclas and Gearoid stood on the summit of Denali. Well done! The team will check in again, once they are safely back at High Camp. Here’s Lead guide Ben and team: recording

May 21 Team at High Camp!

It sounds like it was a long, but good, day for the May 21 Team as they pushed up to High Camp 17,200′. The team is moving well and guide Jesse reports that everyone is in good spirits and excited to finally be at High Camp. After the big move, the team will now rest,…

May 21 Team Caches at 16400′

Lead Guide Ben Adkison called in the trip report tonight. He reports that the team had great weather for moving a load of equipment and supplies up the fixed lines, to a cache site at 16,400′.   The terrain immediately above the 14 Camp starts out pretty mellow, but the slope increases as the climbers…

May 21 Team Update—-in German!

Mountain Trip has a very international client base and the May 21st team has two climbers from the beautiful country of Austria. One of the climbers, Thomas, called in the report tonight and he shared his update in German for his friends and family back home. Here’s Thomas: recording

May 21 Team Moves to 14 Camp!

Gearoid called in the team report today for the May 21 Team. It sounds like it was a long day for the team as they moved from Camp 2 (11,200′) to 14 Camp (14,200′) and “windy corner” lived up to it’s moniker. The Team ascended past their cache site at 13,500′ and continued climbing up…

May 21 Denali Team Backcarried to Camp 2

Niclas Pettersson called in after the team dropped down from their Camp 2 to retrieve the cache of supplies they buried the day before yesterday at about 10,200′ (3110m).  After digging up their cache, they loaded the supplies into their packs and sleds for the hike back to camp at 11,200′ (3400m). In climber parlance,…