May 14 Denali Team

The winter condition continue to hem guides and clients in at higher camps, as conditions prevent them from traveling safely up the mountain. Jerry, a client on the May 14 trip called in with an update on their stay at camp at 11,800 ft. The team spent the day getting a little exercise on a…

May 14 Team – Back Carried from 10,000′

Lead Guide Sebastian “Seba” Grau called in from the beautiful basin camp at 11,200′.  The team slept in a bit this morning, before dropping down to retrieve the cache of supplies that they had buried a couple of days earlier.  after digging their cache from the snow, they loaded it all up and hiked back…

May 14 Denali Team holding at 11,000 ft.

Mountain Trip HQ received a call from the May 14 trip, who are also socked in by the whiteout conditions at camp. They all reported being healthy and happy. The team is undoubtedly getting some time to update their journals, read some books and play cards. We weren’t able to catch the name of the…

May 14 Denali Team back in Camp 1

Guide Gary Falk from the May 14 Denali West Buttress Expedition with Mountain Trip called in with an update on the team’s progress. After a day of carrying supplies up high, the team is back resting in Camp 1 at 7,800 ft. Their total elevation gain for the day was roughly 2,400 ft. over about…

May 14 Denali Team at Camp 1

Mountain Trip Guide Sebastian Grau checked in from Camp 1 on behalf of his May 14 Denali West Buttress Expedition The team had a long, grueling travel day, over six and a half hours over the glacier, to reach their first camp up the Kahiltna Glacier. He said everyone was looking and feeling healthy and…

May 14 Denali Team Update

The May 14 Denali West Buttress team checked in from Base Camp yesterday evening, reporting that everyone was doing well and looking forward to beginning their trip up the mountain. They reported that the weather on the lower glacier is “very hot and very sunny.” Although the team feels like it’s a scorcher out there,…

May 14 Denali Team Update

Guide Sebastian Grau called to check in on behalf of the May 14 West Buttress Expedition. They had some storm delays before the flight into the range, and since they’re travelling by small planes, played it safe rather than sorry. A second, later flight brought them safely to the glacier. The team arrived a little…

Meet the May 14 Denali Team!

Mountain Trip is thrilled to welcome a team of climbers from around the globe to our May 14, 2016 Denali expedition. The team met in Anchorage yesterday, first partaking in an orientation provided by our three guides.  Our guides then checked all the clothing and equipment that each climber brought to Alaska, to ensure that…