May 10 Everest Expedition calls from Base Camp

Vanessa called in to HQ early this morning for a quick update on Mountain Trip’s Everest Expedition, who have successfully returned to Base Camp after a round of acclimatization. Before descending, they had reached their highest point to date, above Camp 2. The team awoke and began to prepare for their descent at 4 a.m., departing…

May 9 Everest Expedition Dispatch

We awoke at 3:45 a.m. this morning and struggled out of our sleeping bags in the dark to get an early start on our climb up the Lhotse Face, a demanding section of the route that begins just a few hundred feet above Camp 2. After a breakfast of cereal and freshly-baked cinnamon rolls (yes,…

May 6 Everest Team Update from Camp 2

Vanessa called in from Camp 2 via satellite phone, detailing the events of the day. She said they made good time through the Khumbu Icefall, and that the day’s biggest struggle was staying cool enough in the hot sun–which might seem strange considering that they’re incredibly high on the world’s tallest peak. Communicating from 21,500′…

May 5 Everest Expedition Dispatch

Above you can see Vanessa, Greg, and DaOngchhu trekking below Pumori in the morning’s first light. Today went very well, and we’ve returned to Camp 2 for the night. We had an early start today at 1 a.m., and awoke a beautiful starry night. Everyone felt well and we made quick work of the Khumbu…

May 3 Everest Expedition Update

We woke up early again today (1am) and left camp excited to be making a move to Camp 2 under clear starry skies. After about an hour into the day Vanessa started feeling ill again, and after taking a good long break for some hot tea and a chance to weigh our options, we decided…

May 2 Everest Expedition Update

We spent another day in base camp today after waking up last night intending to move up to Camp 2. Vanessa wasn’t feeling well, and hadn’t slept, so we pushed everything back a day to allow her to recover and get some rest before the push up to Camp 2. We went back to sleep…