June 16 Denali Team moves to High Camp

Mountain Trip guide Robert “Durney” Durnell called in with an update on the June 16 West Buttress Expedition, who have moved to High Camp on Denali! Since the steep, exposed section of the route on the Headwall requires crampons instead of snowshoes, so the team had to break trail in waist to chest deep snow.…

June 26 Denali team at 11,200′

Hmm. We’re scratching our heads a bit from this one. We were able to tell that the update came from climber Katrin Oertel, and that half of it was in German, but unfortunately they had a spotty satellite phone connection, likely due to the snowy conditions. The Mountain Trip June 26 West Buttress Expedition is…

Team Jaahnavi Checks in From 14,200′

Jaahnavi called in a nice update from the big, relatively busy camp at 14,200′.  The team is resting today, allowing their bodies to better acclimatize to the thinner air of the upper mountain.  They will spend at least several more days at this camp, preparing themselves and acclimatizing. The team is doing well, and they…