June 23 Team – Cutting Our Losses

The June 23 team called in to let us know that they are following the wave of climb teams that are cutting their losses on a summit bid and beginning the descent back to Denali base camp 7,200 ft ( 2194 m). As another storm rolls in this is the best decision for the team…

June 23 Team – The Storm Continues

The June 23 team radioed in on the 14th day of their Denali expedition. Like most climb teams, they have been unable to climb higher than Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m). Conditions are king in any mountain range, especially in Alaska where poor weather and storms can hang on for weeks at a time.…

June 23 Team – Life in the Snow Globe

Mountain Trip apprentice guide, Steven Burns called in an update for the June 23 team to let us know they are still enjoying life in the snow globe up at Camp 3 14,200 ft (4328 m). Reaching Camp 3 or “14 Camp” is a milestone on the West Buttress route and gives climb teams the…

June 23 Team Rest Day at 14 Camp

Guide Stephen Burns reports that the team took a rest day at windy, stormy 14 Camp today. Rest days are a great opportunity for a team to rejuvenate, hydrate, and prepare for the big move to high camp and the upper mountain. It sounds like the team is eating well and keeping spirits high!  …

June 23 Team – Back Carry to 9K

Mountain Trip lead guide, Harrison Lewis, called in yesterday evening to report that the June 23 team is in high spirits and doing well at Camp 2 11,200 ft (3413 m). The guides and climbers took an “active rest day” to descend back to their gear cache at 9,600 ft. There they unburied the gear…

June 23 Team – Big Day Today

Our June 23 Team has successfully ascended from Camp 1 7,800 ft (2377 m) to Camp 2 11,200 ft (3413 m) in white-out conditions. Way to persevere team! This is a big move for any team even in quality weather which has been a rarity on Denali this season. Some guides have called this the…

June 23 Team: Hello Camp 1!

Unfortunately Daniel’s trip report is too garbled to understand, probably due to the poor weather the team has been experiencing on the lower glacier. The team traveled from Base Camp to Camp 1 yesterday, following the southeast fork of the Kahiltna for approximately one mile before making a hard right turn up the main fork…