June 22 Team Back in Camp 3

The June 22nd team has made it back down to Camp 3 at 14,200′ (4328m). They will rest up here, and eat some other food besides backpacker meals! After some rest, and waiting for the glacier to freeze up again overnight, they will make their way back down to Basecamp. Soon they will be catching…

June 22 Team Moves to High Camp!

This super stoked team made their way up to 17,200′ (5242m)! They are now settled into High Camp. They retraced their steps from their cache day, first starting up the Bunny Hill for a couple of hours until they reached the fixed lines. Here, they attached their ascenders and scurried up the ropes to the…

June 22 Team – Rest Day Remembrances

Well, this was kind of cool! Each team member of our June 22 West Buttress expedition took some time to share his or her favorite experiences thus far from their climb. It was really nice to hear each climber’s voice and the warmth and comradeship in their voices was pretty incredible. Today the team took…

June 22 Team Caches at 16,800′

Listening to this recording really warmed my heart. It is so nice to hear the wild rounds of laughter coming from a team cook tent. Everyone here is sitting on snow benches, probably wearing their down booties and down jackets. Not what your typically comfortable dinner looks like, but it is easy to tell the…

June 22 Team Rest Day at Camp 3

The crew was able to enjoy a nice day with good weather at Camp 3 (14,200′ 4328m). Kaylee reports they did a little team building activity known as “yoga”. While we are unfamiliar with this term in the context of expedition mountaineering, we have been informed it involves some fancy stretches meant to limber up…

June 22 Team Moves to Camp 3

Our crew has made it into Camp 3 at 14,200′ (4328m). Tackling first Motorcycle Hill, followed by Squirrel Hill and Windy Corner, they found themselves in Genet Basin where Camp 3 lies. The backdrop of the basin is dramatic and inspiring. Behind camp, the Headwall rises up to meet the ridge at 16,200′ (4937m). The ridge climbs…

June 22 Team Caches at Camp 3

Yesterday this crew climbed up from Camp 2 at 11,200′ (3413m). They tackled first the mile long Motorcycle Hill. Once they topped out here, they next climbed up Squirrel Hill. From Squirrel Hill, the team has an impressive view of the Peters Glacier several thousand feet below. Above Squirrel Hill, the Polo Field stretches across…

June 22 Team Rest Day at Camp 2

Our team of hardy climbers enjoyed a rest day at Camp 2, 11, 200′ (3413m). It was a good day for resting up; taking naps, reading, fueling, hydrating, or skills practice for crampon and ice axe use. Not too much else to update for this team. They have some backcarrying and caching to do before…