June 22 Team – Rest Day Remembrances

Well, this was kind of cool! Each team member of our June 22 West Buttress expedition took some time to share his or her favorite experiences thus far from their climb. It was really nice to hear each climber’s voice and the warmth and comradeship in their voices was pretty incredible.

Today the team took a rest and acclimatization day at 14,200 feet. They played disc golf around the largely deserted camp in the broad Genet Basin. The climbers used that game as an opportunity to clean up camps of trash and micro trash left by other teams – kudos to all of them!

The plan for tomorrow is to pack up camp and move up to their High Camp at 17,200 feet. This will be a big day with a lot of altitude gain. They will once again ascend the fixed lines to the top of the Headwall and then climb up the stunning ridge that leads to High Camp. This section has some tremendous exposure with steep drops to either side and has some of the most enjoyable climbing of the entire route.

Here is the team!


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  1. Kudos to all. Hope breathing is ok and no altitude sickness..Phil O’Connor your whole family is rooting for the summiting..

  2. Way to go Phil! Stay safe and I’m looking forward to hearing all about it. Your NSBS team is too and we are all proud of you. Now if you could teach me and your father how to play moon golf that would be fun. Erin and Lisa send their love.

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